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I Forge Iron


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We could maybe answer this if you fill in a lot of blanks. Wot do you have in mind for this steel? like if you want to whack on wood or use for fine carving? Do you know wot it takes to heat treat this steel and do you have the gear to do that? Do you wish to forge or grind anything from this?, There are more things to consider when selecting a steel but I hope that gives you an idea.

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If you google aus 8 there is alot of information on it. Including comparisons of it and other stainless used in commercial blades, the general feeling I got is it is not one I would choose. But I have not tried it myself and thgtf is not likely to change. Some folks said it can be sharpened really fine,,but does not keep it. And AGian this is someone elses post. They did not say how they determined that. I have a few steel that I use. ATS 34 440 C and 154 CPM. I like all of them with one big priority, I believe 154 CPM hold s nicer edge longer based on folks tales about using knives they got from me made of that material. Not only that but that steel is made in the united states, a huge plus for me. 154 Cm is similiar and not made in the US. i do not use it anymore for that reason.

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I have the CRKT M21-02G and it has an aus-8 blade. It holds an edge fairly well, its a bit harder to sharpen then some of my other carbon blades and chips fairly easy when using as a pry bar. I think its a good stainless for your average use knife. I have a spyderco made with vg10 and that thing holds an edge very well but its tough to sharpen if you let it go for to long.

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