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I Forge Iron

Hello From South Mississippi


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Stumbled across this forum this morning looking for information on making a steel basket to use as a handle on a smoker build project I'm working on. I don't have any experience at all in forging other than heating some metal up with a oxy-acetyl torch to get a bend to make hinges and such. I'm an Agriculture teacher and have been welding for years (well sorta) but had to get some "formal" learning in order to teach a different type class when my program changed. That is when I found my niche and natural ability that if I had known was lurking inside of me all these years I would have pursued it from an earlier age. Prior to actually getting some quality instruction and guidance my welds were GORILLA welds (ugly but stron) but now I'm pretty dang good and have been working on numerous projects, however I know I still have lots to learn and try to learn as much as I can when I can.

I've been interested in b'smithin for quite a while (actually think I may have signed up on this forum a few years back and forgot the password and couldn't log back in) and have watched with amazement at craft shows, the Ag and Forestry Museum, and RFD TV programs. I would like very much to learn this art and add it to my list of "hobbies."

I would say that I'm truly a "newbie" but am very eager to learn hope there is a smith or two that is close enough in proximity to me that I can visit and watch to learn. I would like to build my own forge unless I could find one that is within my current budget constraints and would definitely be open to suggestions from anyone wishing to give input. I know that some tools and such that are required to do this thing right are rather pricey but I'm not above using homemade or used equipment.

Looking forward to obtaining as much knowledge as I can from you guys. :)

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! RUN, I repeat, RUN to the next MS forge council meeting and hook up with Brian Brazeal! Take a class from him, you will not regret it. I don't know any particulars as far as cost or other incidentals. In the mean time, enjoy your stay here.

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Thanks for the welcome guys. I am looking forward to learning as much as I can to add to my other metal working abilities. I have been doing some metal art and think learning some blacksmithing techniques would help me expand what I have to offer. Stuff I've been doing has been things like horseshoe sculptures (Some of which are what you would call "functional art" because they serve a purpose other than just being pretty to look at), freehand plasma art, and yard art. I haven't done a whole lot as of yet because I have very limited time to work on my own projects because I'm a full time ag teacher and between that and being a daddy, my time is stretched thin. Youngins are expensive to maintain. :)

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