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I Forge Iron

Where's a good source of sheet copper?


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I have been wanting to mess around with making a few things in copper, including a sprinkle cup for the fire. Saw one once and it was nice looking. Never messed with sheet metal much, so I figured this winter might be a good thing to learn a little better. But where to get the sheet copper? I have many sources of galvanized sheet metal, but not copper. Thanks for any advice.

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I use a copper sprinkle cup both in my shop and with my demo tools. I used 3" of 2" ridged copper pipe. Soldered a copper cap on one end and closed half of the open end with sheet copper soldered on. Drilled a few dribble holes in the end. Then I used about 20" of 1/2" ridged copper pipe for the handle, also soldered on. I've used them for years with no problems. As for sheet copper, go to Lowes, Menards, Home Depot, etc and buy a roll of copper roof flashing. I use it for candle cups and even had a couple of guys ordered copper ladles. Hope this helps. :)

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if you can get that deal, let me know. I will buy about 10 sheets! Last time I bought sheet was about $150 for 16 oz. and $300 for 32 oz. I think 18g is real close to 32 oz.

A good source for 16 oz is gutter companies and scrap yards will sometimes sell copper

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FarmAll I get my copper sheet about 1/2 a mile over there when I need it fast! I'm sure you will find it with no trouble!

Or: Are you in Australia or South Africa, England, Canada, or even the USA. Sources are often location specific and you haven't added your location to your profile.

BTAIM, I have a friend that was a high end roofer that I could get scrap copper off of cheap. After moving 1500 miles away I'm now restricted to the non-ferrous scrap yard, that likes to buy at scrap prices and sell at over new price---the next closest source is about 100 miles away and so the owner thinks he has us by the short hairs. (In reality we tend to just wait till we make a trip to the city and so he misses out on selling at a better price than he gets as scrap!)

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Copper boilers, im not sure how frequently they'l appear in the US but over here in the UK there's always a few around the scrappy, or if you know people in the plumbing/demolition/removals trade you might be able to oust a few out of them every now and then
Something else ive found usefull is copper pipe, from its standard waterpipe size to much larger industrial pipes, slice them open and volia, copper sheet!
Hope it helps a bit :)


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