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I Forge Iron

Gone "Avisitin'"

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Yesterday, I attended Josh Kavett's tailgating event and lecture at the Fisher Eagle Museum at NJANVILMAN's place. His kind hospitality was only surpassed by his scholarship on the subject of Fisher Anvils. I am posting some pictures, including those of his sequentially arranged behemoths, an 800, 700, 600, 500, 450, and 400 pound Fisher Anvils. I also took pictures of some of his wooden patterns for these anvils, including the 800 pounder! Thank you, Josh, for having such a wonderful event! I am also happy to report that I have joined the New Jersey Blacksmith's Association, and met some of them at this event. KUDOS!






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Thanks for coming Stewart. It was a great day with about 75 people here, and about 25 tailgating. A lot of tools changed hands. I will probably do this every few years. I think everyone had a great time. Next time I will post the event on IFI too. Remember, any can contact me for a private visit. Just not during Christmas Tree season, or during a snow event.

Check out craftsofnj.org for more information on this wonderful tool collecting group.

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Everything I build is built to last, and be twice as strong as needed. I did add a couple of 3x3 oak verical supports in the middle of the table holding the big anvils, as "insurance". However, there was no sag before they went in. The tables are build with a truss under the table. The tops are 3/4" and 1/2" plywood glued and screwed together, with secondary layers 6" wide on the edges glued and screwed together. Everything is then bolted to the leg assembly. NOTHING I have ever built has ever failed.

I think I missed my calling as a structural engineer.

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Nope, overbuilding costs money! My Father used to sat that every engineering equation *must* have a dollar sign somewhere in it.

As hobbyists we can overbuild all we want to and never have to justify it! (I once built a post and beam tent frame that I hung a porch swing off of and had 500+ pounds of people swinging on it!)

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