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I Forge Iron

Soule Steam Festival blacksmithing

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We had a yearly festival here in Meridian, MS yesterday and I got a chance to hang out at the blacksmith shop at our local foundry museum (Soule Steam Feed Works). I got a chance to get on the anvil for a while and I was tutored by a couple of local blacksmiths. My project was a "buck skinner knife" and I was happy with the result since I am a green horn. I had a lot of fun and learned a good bit too.
Here is my little project knife:

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I was going to try to upload a couple of pics of the old blacksmith shop but when I try to attach pics I get a "internal server error" message. The file size is 320KB. That is not too big is it?

If I pick the "image" icon on the tool bar I get a light blue screen "cover up" that won't let me pick anything else. I then have to use the "back" button on my keyboard to get out of that screen.

When I pick the "browse" button on the bottom of the post box I get he error I noted above.

What happened? My first pic went in good above.......


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I was going to try to upload a couple of pics of the old blacksmith shop but when I try to attach pics I get a "internal server error" message. The file size is 320KB. That is not too big is it?.....

Your file size should be fine, but I use Photoshop Essentials from WalMart (it was less than $40) to decrease the size of images to less than 50kb and less than 10in wide by 6in high just to make sure:
- the load of the images don't **time out** resulting in a possible server error. Some Internet service providers limit how long you are allowed to upload/download a image especially during peak usage hours.
- the image loads quickly to people's screens
- the image is not to wide or high to view in its entirety.
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I have the software to resize a photo to any size I want. My problem is if I pick the icon on the tool bar at the top of the "reply box" I IMMEDIATELY get a light blue screen color which I can see through. I see everything but I can "pick" NOTHING.
The thread locks up and I have to use the "back" button to make the web site start operating again. Of course if I use the "back" button on my keyboard I have then lost EVERYTHING I was trying to post in the reply box. Text and all.

I think a moderator needs to see if I have created a problem with the server or something.
I didn't have a problem until I picked "try our advanced uploader (requires Flash 9)" link at the bottom of the reply box by mistake. My photo upload problem short circuited right after that.
NOW I can't upload photos AT ALL.


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