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I Forge Iron

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Howdy. I'm an old, but green, would-be blacksmith from the little town of Lyons, Colorado. I've been learning for about a year - taking lessons from David Norrie up in Berthoud, CO and from Brian Brazeal down near Jackson, TN (I'm actually an archaeologist working for FEMA). My shop is just about finished (a 16' x 30' walled in portion of my barn - 5" concrete floor with 110 and 220 wiring). The shop is equipped with a two-burner gas forge (which I built), a large coal forge (also built), a 140# Wright anvil, a treadle hammer, a couple of floor vices, swage blocks, drill press, grinders, saws, and misc. other tools.

Hoping to meet many of you at the national meetings in Rapid City next year.

I'm looking foir a good deal on a Little Giant, if anyone hears of one.

Gary L. Moore


Welcome to IFI Gary.
It sounds like you are a "Will Be" blacksmith rather than a "Would Be" blacksmith. You have some great teachers and it sounds like you have the drive. Glad to have you here. Plenty to learn and you will have plenty to pass on also.

Mark <><

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