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I Forge Iron

Wakizashi done

Steve Shimanek

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Just finished this wakizashi, 15 1/8 nagasa, 21 inches overall, 7/16 inches sori, 1 1/8" motohaba, 3/16 " kasane, shinogi zukuri sugata. It is at about 85% foundation polish, with some scratches and a couple of minor scale pits left that will be reduced in finish polish. I am hoping to focus more on forging new blades than polishing so I am hoping to sell as is. PM if interested. Aloha, Steve

and again...


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Howzit Steve, Another kick### sword! Not having made a sword, but having read much about it, I can only imagine how difficult the polishing process is. Of course, I used to imagine what it would be like to have children, but the reality has proven infinitely more complex. :blink:

As always, I find your work inspiring. Aloha, - Robert

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