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I Forge Iron

BGOV Calendar

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2007 Meeting Calendar:

Feb. 17th: John Riddle Demonstrator at LT Skinnell's Otter Creek Forge. Bedford VA.

March 17th: Bob Rowe & Carl Hirner(from historic Williamsburg) at Yesteryear Forge. Amelia VA.

April 21st: Jack Chaffee at Brown's Forge. Lexington VA.

May 19th: TBA

June 16th: TBA

July 28th: TBA

Aug. 11th: Jamestown Celebration. Buckingham VA.

Sept. 15th: Doug Merkel at Yesteryear Forge. Amelia VA.

Oct. 20th: 2nd Annual Yesteyear Forge Hammer In. Amelia VA. Demonstrator: RANDY McDANIEL AUTHOR OF "A Blacksmithing Primer, A Course in Basic and Intermediate Blacksmithing"

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