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I Forge Iron

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Newbie here. Name is Chris. Wheatland, WY is home. Just got a 4 burner LP forge. Checked it out a few days ago and got it running fine. I don't have any experience with forging, only a desire to make some things. Looking around the net trying to get some drawings/sketches of tongs so I can make some.

Hope to glean some experienced knowledge from you all. How long would a 20lb. bottle of propane last running only 2 burners? I am looking for a 100 lb. bottle, but only have the 20 for now.

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Also my first was also a 4 burner, I have only needed the back burner once so I plug it 1/2 way up and just run two burners. that makes it way more efficient.

My test was on only 2 burners and it seemed to have plenty of heat so I thinnk I will be sticking to 2 burners for now.
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