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I Forge Iron

Mean-looking blade


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Just delivered this yesterday. The customer's request was: "Maybe something 12" long or so, forge finish and mean looking."

Here's what I came up with:


The blade is right at 12", and it is appropriately mean-looking. Forged leaf spring, multiple quenches in veggie oil, multiple tempering cycles, integral socket handle, hemp cord wrap, cotton cord double Turk's head knots at either end, sealed in black shellac.

He just couldn't wait to get it home and try it out on the feral bushes in his back yard. He had to whack at a cardboard tube.

This is a light, fast blade, as he commented. I like leaving a customer with a grin on their face as they heft their new blade. :)

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Thomas - Is that why the pics of him cutting the tube went away?

Altusjg - I'm not metallurgist, but as I understand it, certain steels benefit from the multiple quench by refining their grain. Not all steels will, and some have a bad reaction to it. Chromium-bearing alloys like 5160 and O1 seem to benefit.

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