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I Forge Iron

New Smith and some first projects

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Here are some of the projects that I've done since I started forging earlier this year.
Sorry for linking through Facebook...I like seeing the high res pictures on this site; but every time I try starting a topic my browser crashes. It's a bummer spending time uploading and then lose it all.

Anyway; feel free to critique good or bad.

The pictures are chronological with the most recent at the top.


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First time projects eh Arean? I'm thinking you're well on your way. How about putting your general location in you're header. you may be surprised at how many IFI guys are in your general location or in easy driving range. It'll also help us old farts by preventing us from relying on our memories while on the road and wanting a snack or place to nap.

All I see in your projects is serious potential waiting for practice to bring out. Welcome to the gang Arean you're going to fit right in.

Frosty the Lucky

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Thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback.

I updated my location. There aren't a lot of smiths in California. I've been pretty lucky to hook up with a couple of full time smiths that do really quality work though. I can't even begin to explain how much they've helped me along.

The first (bottom) few pictures are at a friend's house. My small shop are the rest of the pictures.

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Have you contacted the CBA? There are LOTS of those rascals running around the west coast.
CBA | 2011 - California Blacksmith Association

I think there're chapters that are based darned close to you, I'd be more specific but it's been almost 40 years since I lived in California.

Frosty the Lucky

Thanks Frosty!

I looked through the site. In the gallery, the first name is a smith that I had the pleasure to swing a hammer with for a few hours. Brent Bailey. There's one other smith in town that has been teaching me a little. Dave Richer.

It's pretty awesome how many smiths are open to teach and share knowledge.
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Thanks Frosty!

I looked through the site. In the gallery, the first name is a smith that I had the pleasure to swing a hammer with for a few hours. Brent Bailey. There's one other smith in town that has been teaching me a little. Dave Richer.

It's pretty awesome how many smiths are open to teach and share knowledge.

It's my pleasure to help. We're always looking for playmates you know.;)

Frosty the Lucky
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Thank you again, for the compliments!

Brent is indeed a very nice guy. Very fun to talk to...good stories. His tools and hammers are pretty impressive. I was pretty stoked when, during a forge night, he decided to make me a cross peen hammer head. The three of us made it by hand. I felt fortunate to be able to take part.

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