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So i am about to put togeather a new forge box, but i need some help with burner design. Dose anyone have detailed plans for a propane burner that is simple to make but can get a box up to welding temp? Preferably plans with a list that i could take to lows or home depot to get said parts. I don't want a blown air forge i want it to be atmospheric. Thanks if you can help with either plans or a link to plans.

  • 4 weeks later...

Check out zoeller's site, Sidearm Burner. I built a sidearm burner, but I couldn't find the ward tee, so I used a normal 1 1/4 tee and a 1 1/4 - 3/4 reducer fitting, still burns good, check my post "Hillbilly Sidearm" for a couple pics.

Phil, I'm getting an error when I click on any of the links in the first post on your link.


Phil, I'm getting an error when I click on any of the links in the first post on your link.

It is fallout from the site upgrade fall of 2009. It will be less than trivial for me to find them. It was the starting information Frosty gave in a couple other threads, and I think all the information is repeated in that thread.

Zoeller's flares are quite sweet and easy to install. I did build a sidearm in the fashion you did, as well as a Reil, but I had regulator problems that led me to scrap them ultimately.


Looks like a lot of information was lost by the broken links. I will find and post the new links at the end of that thread later.


Zoeller's flares are quite sweet and easy to install.

I bet, they look nice. Too bad there's that note on his site about not being able to fill orders till august or I would have ordered one. Heck, I probably would have ordered the sidearm kit and bricks from him as well!

Ok on the info being in the thread, nice resource for anyone building a burner. I may try one of those as well, looks like it takes about $20 worth of fittings, less without the brass, that stuff is $$$

I bet, they look nice. Too bad there's that note on his site about not being able to fill orders till august or I would have ordered one. Heck, I probably would have ordered the sidearm kit and bricks from him as well!

Ok on the info being in the thread, nice resource for anyone building a burner. I may try one of those as well, looks like it takes about $20 worth of fittings, less without the brass, that stuff is $$

You need the compression fitting to take to the valve, or I suppose you could use a nipple reamed and tapped, to take to the valve and regulator. Yea, all the valves got expensive in a hurry on that first forge. I cut out the idle circuit, and have only 1 valve on the "new" tiny forge. Lighting is easy, set my pressure with the valve closed, then open the valve with a lit plumber's torch in the opening. HUFF!!! and it is off to the races so to speak. The pressure drops only 1psi - 3psi when running, on my gauge (which is not calibrated, so relative and all)

I do get huffing in operation partly from having a 150 cu inch forge cavity and a burner designed for closer to 300 cu inch, and partly from being outside only.


Hmm, well my chamber will be 162, so I may get huffing too. Should have no problems welding though! Lol.

  • 2 weeks later...

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