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I Forge Iron

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Hi All

Thought I would post a few images of my KMG clone with MAP arm that I have finally finished. Till now I have
made use of a Bertie Rietveld's original designs for a grinder. A perfect grinder, just lacks the versatility of the
KMG style grinder. Fitted with a Multi Articulated Positional arm fitted to the work platen, there is not much
you cant do. I have not made pretty yet with paint, too much of a hurry to get using it.




No not a Bulls fan! Loved the drop Goal! Can't wait to see my neighbor-a Bulls fan.

I was at the last game in his box & he sat next to me giving me a running comentary whilst I drowned my sorrows.

You must have spent quite a few bucks on engineering your rig it looks great(needs paint though).
Did you get a deal-an-all on all those belts? :D

You still havent collected that balde material thats cluttering up my garrage? B)
084 341 2899


Thanks for the comments guys.

Hey Ian:

Sorry forgot you were just up the road and must be a sharks supporter, just instinctively assume that if a fellow
bladesmith is from SA he is up "there" as there are very few down in the land of the living :)

I cant remember what happened, but we must of got our wires crossed as I was waiting for you to give me a shout to
collect. Somehow I thought I did not have your cell, I see you have included it, I will give you a call and tie up a
time to collect.




Its kind of a stupid thing to call it, saw it somewhere else and thought it sounded cool and
might make it more impressive that it actually is :D

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