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I Forge Iron

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Finished up a few RR spike letter openers for a show and thought they turned out ok for an afternoons work so I thought Id share a picture or two. Wes


After I finished these I had a stamp made with my town and state reading Thermopolis, Wy, and I now take the spike and hot stamp my name on the broad side and the town stamp on the under side and then make the twist in the shank before forging out the blade and it shows the stampings in the twist giving it a real interesting appeal.


I like the way the polish/grind travels up the twist. Looks great!!!!

Any reason you are not forging knifes? I assume they are low carbon. I have some stamped HC and understand they are High Carbon and suitable for knives. Would you agree?

Nice work!!!


Thanks for the comments. Actually I do forge knives, as I am by trade a custom knife maker and I've had my Journeymans rating with the ABS since 2000. I make custom knives, blacksmithing(ornamental ironwork) and sharpening and repair services; keeps me really busy but it's a xxxx hard way to pay the bills and put food on the table, but it's all I have and I'm greatful for it. Yes a good many spikes are marked with the HC stamp, but even with this designation they still do not have enough carbon to make a knife with a long holding edge. Wes


Really nice letter openers and knives Wes. The stamp in the twist really does look good. I have several spikes with HC on the top. It is not stamped in but raised lettering. Thanks for posting.

Quick 60, been to the races lately?

Mark <º)))><

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