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Hey Guys and Gals, i just ran accross this 100 lb anvil on craigslist in my area for 90 USD and im tempted to pick it up since this is the first deal i've ran across that i could actually afford and is close enough to make the drive to get. Thing is, i dont know enough about anvils to look at it and tell if its a decent brand and would like to hear what yall think about it and if its worth buying. The saler says its steel but has no visible identifiable marks on it. Is this one of those cheap china made anvils i'm always hearing not to waste your money on or is it worth getting? All insight is welcome and much needed. I have a couple days off coming up and would like to go get a look at it if its worth buying. I'm currently using an old RR track anvil and would like to upgrade but don't want to spend the money on it if its just an ASO. I'd wrather save my money until something worth buying comes around. Thanks in advance for any and all help!!



That almost looks like a homemade one, the foot is a bit weird for a commercially made one. Take a ball bearing with you and give it a rebound test, drop the bearing on it from about a foot and see how high it bounces. If you hear a thud and it doesn't bounce, walk away. If it bounces more than halfway back, it should be fine. It's worth looking at and testing at least if it's nearby.


Looks like an ASO to me, like OddDuck said it looks a bit weird. I would take the money that you have an buy a chunk of heavy plate then make a "Brazeal" style anvil.
You can also read up on real anvils and look at what other people are using- there is a post on this site called "Show me your anvil"


Sure is odd looking. Could be made in Eastern Europe or the Far East, never seen anything like that before, or it could have been made in Texas for all we know. Hit it on the side and see if it rings or not, the fellow could have made his self or someone else could have. Heck, offer him $40 for and if he takes it, it's got to be some better than a hunk of RR rail, if not it'll make a good door stop. :blink:


Ya know what?
This looks like a piece that was cut off during the production of a large tool/machine. It's my guess that it's mild steel, but.....scrap steel in my neck of the woods is going for about .50/lb.
Even if this anvil is made from mild steel, I would consider the extra mass an improvement over a rail anvil, but not as good as an anvil with a proper face made of tool steel.
I would definitely check it out, but would offer the guy $75 and see what he says.
That being said, I *do* live in an anvil poor area :-)


Thanks the input guys. I'm thinking i will save my money until something i know is the real deal comes along. I have the RR track and a nice stake plate with a few stakes that have worke for me up till now. I'm in no big rush and would rather know for sure what im buying. Thanks again.


Hey Guys and Gals, i just ran accross this 100 lb anvil on craigslist in my area for 90 USD and im tempted to pick it up since this is the first deal i've ran across that i could actually afford and is close enough to make the drive to get. Thing is, i dont know enough about anvils to look at it and tell if its a decent brand and would like to hear what yall think about it and if its worth buying. The saler says its steel but has no visible identifiable marks on it. Is this one of those cheap china made anvils i'm always hearing not to waste your money on or is it worth getting? All insight is welcome and much needed. I have a couple days off coming up and would like to go get a look at it if its worth buying. I'm currently using an old RR track anvil and would like to upgrade but don't want to spend the money on it if its just an ASO. I'd wrather save my money until something worth buying comes around. Thanks in advance for any and all help!!

Hey Guys and Gals, i just ran accross this 100 lb anvil on craigslist in my area for 90 USD and im tempted to pick it up since this is the first deal i've ran across that i could actually afford and is close enough to make the drive to get. Thing is, i dont know enough about anvils to look at it and tell if its a decent brand and would like to hear what yall think about it and if its worth buying. The saler says its steel but has no visible identifiable marks on it. Is this one of those cheap china made anvils i'm always hearing not to waste your money on or is it worth getting? All insight is welcome and much needed. I have a couple days off coming up and would like to go get a look at it if its worth buying. I'm currently using an old RR track anvil and would like to upgrade but don't want to spend the money on it if its just an ASO. I'd wrather save my money until something worth buying comes around. Thanks in advance for any and all help!!
Wow, I would buy it in a heart beat, usually if you dont jump on something right away it is too late, Looks too cool to pass up buy it and sell it to me if your not happy with it, price is cheap

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