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I Forge Iron

New vise.


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Got my first post vise today, an extremely well used vise at that. I paid $75 for it, which was within my comfort zone, though right at the top. The bench vise I had been using developed a crack right below the removable jaw plate, it doesn't effect the functionality at all, but it served as a nice warning to take it easier on the little thing. This is the only post vice I've seen at a price that didn't send me into a fit of confusion, so I decided to go for the upgrade. The threads are pretty worn in the 1/2" or so open range, and the box is missing a couple small lengths of thread, but there's still a bit of life in there. This thing was on the seller's fathers farm, and apparently they used it a LOT. No identifying marks, but I'm not intrigued enough sandblast all the paint off to look more closely. Just a 3 in the bottom of the mounting plate. There's a bend in the leg right where there appears to be a forge weld, if I'm not mistaken, though it is hard to tell through the paint. The movable jaw has deflected inward about 3/8" along its height. 5" jaws. All in all, it's certainly usable, I'll just be careful to not hurt those threads more by jumping on the handle or anything like that. :P


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Looks like a nice deal Dan. I'm still looking for one. I know where one is but the owner hates to part with anything even if he hasn't used it in years (eons). So I keep looking. Enjoy your new vice.


If a man has hundreds of vices and cannot help but buy everyone that he comes across, would you say that he has a vice vice?

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That's a nice, solid looking vise.

It looks as though the jaws close evenly. If they are lined up with each other I don't think I would worry about the bend in the moving jaw. (It's in a weird spot too, that's not where they usually bend from repeated over-tightening.)

You could probably straighten out the leg without hurting anything. It would make mounting it just a bit simpler. ;)

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