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I Forge Iron

My First Knife!!


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Here is my first knife blade. It's not finished being shaped because i've been waiting on my belt sander to come in. It's not much compared to what i've seen on this site but i made it and i'm proud of it. Any and all comments and criticing is appreciated. Thanks!!




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Your shop your rules..The very most important thing is wot do you think of your work? Are you happy with this piece? Is the shape wot you had in mind when you made it? Is that finish like you envisioned? How did the heat treat turn out? Does the blade have a bit of flex in it and not seem brittle? Edge holding? You get the picture. If there is anything different that you would like do you have a plan for changes? If you do have a plan and are unsure where to seek answers they are almost entirely on this site. Just seek and read a lot. If you want data in hand for the future a couple of books for starters. $50 knife shop by Wayne Goddard and the complete bladesmith by Jim Hrousilas are solid sources. Even if you like just how this piece came out those two books are good to have.

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Thanks Rich and Bryan. I'm satisfied with the kinfe in general for my first but i'm kind of anal when it comes to precision and i know i have much to learn and great deal of technique to work on. I did a few basic test like trying to bend the blade and it had a little give without being to brittle. I took it to a couple small tree limbs and smacked the spine a few times to see if it would chop through without braking. So far its held up and maitained an edge. Rich i've seen those books recommended often on this site. They seem like a must have for a newbie:) guess i'm gonna have to pick em up!! Thanks again guys for the input and advice!!

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