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hey everyone i have a quick question for you all, I am looking at buying a new anvil, I need it to be mobile so i am thinking 120-150lbs as i will be transporting it often and moving it in and out of a garage. I would like to make this long term anvil so I dont have an issue paying for a great anvil, i've looked at everything from tfs and anvilbrand(the ductile crew of anvil) to nimba and some bigger models like rathole and ozark pattern. I am not afriad of a 200+ anvil but like i said want some semblance of mobility as i do not have a set shop location atm. so basically lookin for some advice and endorsements, and ideas for mobility if i go a bit bigger.
Hope you guys got your opinion caps on cuz i need it!!!


hey everyone i have a quick question for you all, I am looking at buying a new anvil, I need it to be mobile so i am thinking 120-150lbs as i will be transporting it often and moving it in and out of a garage. I would like to make this long term anvil so I dont have an issue paying for a great anvil, i've looked at everything from tfs and anvilbrand(the ductile crew of anvil) to nimba and some bigger models like rathole and ozark pattern. I am not afriad of a 200+ anvil but like i said want some semblance of mobility as i do not have a set shop location atm. so basically lookin for some advice and endorsements, and ideas for mobility if i go a bit bigger.
Hope you guys got your opinion caps on cuz i need it!!!

Not sure how to find the photo and information in the gallery that I posted a while back. Take a look at these: http://hoffmansforge.com/anvils
I have a 335 pound Euro Anvil as my main anvil. However, I use one of my smaller Continental Pattern a lot in my shop. Some times days on end.

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