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I Forge Iron

mini drop point WIP


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Is this a commentary on how bad our economy is that we citizens now have to make weapons for our soldiers????........:P Just kidding. That will be a neat little sharp pointy thing. What type of handle is it going to get?
BTW, I've heard of "blood grooves", but "blood holes"??? :lol: Sorry, haven't had my coffee yet this morning :blink:

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Is this a commentary on how bad our economy is that we citizens now have to make weapons for our soldiers????........:P Just kidding. That will be a neat little sharp pointy thing. What type of handle is it going to get?
BTW, I've heard of "blood grooves", but "blood holes"??? :lol: Sorry, haven't had my coffee yet this morning :blink:

haha yeah lots of "blood holes"...but nah just a way to lighten the blade up and its going to have a small ebony handle and the blade and guard will be a very dark grey
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What steel did you use ?
That tang will have your handle offset higher than the spine of the blade.
It's crossed my mind to put holes in a blade before but I haven't tried it yet...I'd like to see how it turns out.

as far as the tang is concerned thats what I was going for and as to the steel I used was S2 but I definitely should have mapped where the holes were going to go before I drilled them...I have no clue where my head was at the time but hey lesson learned.
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The tang like that should prevent barked knuckles if using the knife as a kitchen chopper. I am sure it has other utility too.

I was hoping that you would say that the hole pattern was taken from somewhere with relevance to the future owner, like a photograph the shot up side of his Grandpa's B-17 or something. Bummer that it is just "bad layout"


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The tang like that should prevent barked knuckles if using the knife as a kitchen chopper. I am sure it has other utility too.

I was hoping that you would say that the hole pattern was taken from somewhere with relevance to the future owner, like a photograph the shot up side of his Grandpa's B-17 or something. Bummer that it is just "bad layout"


yeahhh...wish I had thought of something as awesome as that! lol but no im still working on the being patient and mapping things out before i start because i've always done everything by eye and old habits die hard :blink:
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sadly during the heat treat three cracks appeared on the edge :( so looks like i have to make a new one

At least you can try again and develop a nice pattern of holes to go with the nice shape.

After you get the shape, trace it onto paper and draw out several hole patterns so you can find one that is pleasing to the eye. Remember that the holes do not need to be the same size and the pattern does not have to be regular. Heck, look at a star chart for inspiration.

Have fun
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Man, not to be a stick in the mud, but holes in the middle of the blade like that are opening up a lot of possibilities for failure. If you put distal taper in the blade and grind down to a thin edge, the blade will be light as a feather and won't need anything else done to lighten it.

Hopefully the next attempt has a happier ending!

Good on you for a very good deed!!! :)

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thanks for all the support guys! im going to use 5160 for the next attempt and see how that goes...im really diggin that constellation idea i think ill give it a go like maybe the big dipper or something? but this will definitely be super light when i weighed the failed one it was about 1 ounce so ill see if i can match that :blink:

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well i finally got around to cleaning up the second attempt of this knife and i was having a problem with the old knife being to light so this one i made an integral bolster with all the same blade dimensions as the first and the same type of steel...unfortunately though my work computer can't load the picture so ill have to post them later.

heres the one photo i could grab so far with more to come

post-8703-062824800 1286056217_thumb.jpg

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