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I Forge Iron

NC short sugar

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Anything over 100# should take care of knife making just fine. You want an anvil made with a tool steel face or solid hardenable steel with a hardened face. Look for a used anvil if possible, take your time unless this is a "business expense". If you have access to scrap yards in your area look for a piece of heavy plate or round or square that you can dress a face of and use that. People have used RR knuckles (connect cars together) pieces of RR track, preferably stood on end, and many many other things.

An anvil is a solid mass that has a clean dressed face that you work on. The face needs to be a little larger than your hammer face. Looking for a specific pattern is less important.

If you post your general location you may also find that there are organizations and individuals that are willing to help and even use their equipment. IFI is represented by over 50 nations in the world.


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