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I Forge Iron

forging problem

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hey all,
need some help here. I am attempting to make an outdoor civil war era camp cooker that I saw at Touchstone. The 2 parts are a 3/4" vertical rod and a 5/8 horizontal rod wrapped around the vertical. Here's the kicker, the wrap has to be loose enough to slide up and down the vertical rod. So I'm thinking ok C= PI X D that gives me the length around the vertical rod, easy peasy, now the part I'm having trouble with in my confused brain.
I need to take into account shrinkage during cooling. So do I wrap the piece around a 3/4 rod for the shrinkage?? if so, how do I get it off before it cools down and clamps itself to the bigger rod? I'm thinking I could wrap it on the very end, and then beat it off with the hammer, but that's not a real elegant solution seeing as how thats sure to leave some undesireable markage. I guess I could use a piece of wood as a beater block? I also considered using some small piece of tubing the correct diameter, and beat it out if it cinches?? has anyone tried that? anyway, help is appreciated.

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You could also use a small piece of tubing of a smaller diameter and cut it lengthwise and open it up to fit over the 3/4 rod leaving it a sliding fit, bend your wrap and let it cool,the thickness of the tubing should give you a clearance.

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Thanks, that's what I will try first. My pal John Rausch told me the same, he said it's really hard to get it so tight that it will stick, and to do exactly what you said, move it as it cools. If it works correctly, I will post pics, thanks again.

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