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I Forge Iron

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Most folks do not do well forge welding stainless steel..If you do want to try that remember that the fluxes aree very nasty to your health. If you are not experienced forge welding stainless damascus you can buy billets already welded up and machine rings from them. Many of the stainless will crack if you try and forge them. Most knife supply houses sell stainless billets. Make sure you are sitting down when you get to look at the prices. If you do wish to try and machine them I would suggest you make a couple of rings out of mild steel first to get the hang of it.Will go a lot easier if you have a lathe and can do the machining. And yes I have made a set and turned store bought ss damascus on my lathe.


This is a subject that ive been thinking alot about lately. Ive had some nice results making silver lined carbon steel damascus rings, but stainless is the way forward.

Ive had a read up, and must emphasise ive not tried this yet. However, im going to buy 304 & 316 stainless sheet (as used by J.loose http://www.jloose.com/ )

Then im gonna pickle it, pack it in a can with a squirt of WD40 and just get it very hot, soak it for half hour, and give it a good seeing to with a power hammer.

The trick to welding stainless appears to be keeping all oxygen away from the material as it heats.

Ill post the results up in a couple or 3 weeks.


This is a subject that ive been thinking alot about lately. Ive had some nice results making silver lined carbon steel damascus rings, but stainless is the way forward.

Ive had a read up, and must emphasise ive not tried this yet. However, im going to buy 304 & 316 stainless sheet (as used by J.loose http://www.jloose.com/ )

Then im gonna pickle it, pack it in a can with a squirt of WD40 and just get it very hot, soak it for half hour, and give it a good seeing to with a power hammer.

The trick to welding stainless appears to be keeping all oxygen away from the material as it heats.

Ill post the results up in a couple or 3 weeks.

I realize you have a vision for this but if I may offer an alternative.
My wife has a few rings made from 2 completely different metals that are made up from inner and outer rings and assembled in a way that allows the outer ring,which is usually made of either a softer metal or one prone to problems involving skin contact(such as corrosion/staining),to spin on the inner ring.
She favors these rings because while thinking or when nervous she can spin the outer ring to keep her hands occupied rather than drumming her fingers on the furniture or having her hands flying around as she talks.
My daughter has taken to wearing them too for the same reasons.

Just another option to think about.

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