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I Forge Iron

Need advice and some help


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Ok im just now starting to thank about Blacksmithing and I just need help getting started on my forge. What should i go for on build my forge from scratch i mean from the ground to the top. Im wanting one that is about 4ft long and 3 1/2ft tall I just dont know what to use to build it the inside and outside. Im want to melt down melt, pour and shape the melt to what I want. so anything on the forge would be great.

When building this should I have a metal net or something to catch the ashes? What should I use to hold the wood, coal, or charcol?

I guess what I am looking for is a medevil forge western style I think.

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If you want a medievel casting furnace I suggest you look into Divers Arts, Theophilus and De Re Metallica, Agricola and the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

They are not like forges.

In the west they didn't start casting steel until the 1700s cf Huntsman.

Now if you want to forge swords remember that you only want to heat as much steel as you can work at the proper temperature at a time---a sword forge can be quite small! If you heat more than you can work then you are scaling it, decarburizing it and promoting grain growth! The only time you need the whole length to temperature is when you do heat treat. Far better to dig a trench forge for that rare occurance than have the hassle of working with a massive forge all the time.

So can you provide more details on what you want to make, what fuel you plan to use, base or side blown, type of air provider and if you will need to move anytime in the next decade.

If you are anywhere near southern Colorado or Northern NM I should be bringing my early medieval forge to an SCA event called Battlemoor Crusades over the 4th of July weekend---twin single action bellows; side blown into an adobe and rock forge using real charcoal for the fuel. I'll also have along an anvil suitable for that time period and some tools as well!

Note that Moxon in Mechanic Exercises has plans for a forge that dates to around 1650-1703.

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