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So I found this anvil sometime back and was very lucky that the owner was willing to sell and not just that but hold it till I could afford the purchase, it was used in a railroad roundhouse for years, I hope to learn more about it from the owners father who used to work on it at the railroad. If anyone has any idea what it could be please let me know, once I get her paid for and home Ill clean her up and take new pics, we dont even know how much it weighs, just something over 400 lb by owners best guess. My Soderfores is only 27" heel to tip of horn and is 191 lb


Any thoughts are much appreciated~


When you get take some pics of the markings so we can see what kind it is. Big anvils are sure nice. I should sell or trade my big Fisher for a smaller anvil,65-75#, that I can use for jewelry but it is so hard to part with it. <_<


BentIron---you serious about that? The local fine arts Metals dept where I do a class on smithing from time to time has a 63 pound swedish cast steel anvil close to MINT condition that they really need to trade for a larger iron pounding anvil. I can try to hook the teo of you together if you are serious and the Fisher is in good using condition.


Thomas, Email sent, be on the lookout for it <_<
Wes, do they still have that big stake in the background? If so how much for it? (You know I addicted to tools, Ijust got rid of most everything and here I am wanting to know about a blasted stake :( )


I kinda hope so, it was part of the original sale but we never talked about it, I was trying to avoid scolding them for putting a stake tool in the hardy lol Ill post as soon as I know more!


I've seen (and missed) several large anvils that came out of railroad shops. A 800 pounder and two 400 pounders. The search continues...


When I got the 515# Fisher we used a 600# capacity two wheeler to run the anvil from where it was to where we could get the truck---wheels looked like flat tracks! Downhill---thank a beneficent deity! Then we used an engine hoist to lift it up and backed the truck under it.

Back at the house I just dumped it on the ground and then scheduled a meet at my place and had a bunch of burly smiths put pipes through the hardy holes and carry it into the shop...Then lolly columned the truss over the stump and used a come-a-long to lift it into place.

I'd be perfectly willing to try to figure out how to move an 800# or 1000# one into my shop though.....


Good news!, She is home safe! some pics now and more to come tomorrow afternoon when I have time to do some cleanup.

This is my new best friend Don, the seller, this wonderful man also parted with a number of tools to help me build my shop and I cannot thank him and his family enough and I only wish I could have taken some photos of his gun smithing work, hand made wheel locks, knives, leather and woodwork, all of which were amazing!


And unloading the new toy, I am a very happy boy.


I have not noticed any markings as of yet, but the base is concave and Ill do cleanup tomorrow along with the bucket full of fullers punches and hardy tools Don was kind enough to part with.


Congratulations on a beautiful anvil! It looks to have a Trenton or Arm and Hammer shape to me. An oval depression on the bottom would support this. Please post pics and information when you get it all cleaned up.


The earlier U.S. made Trentons (pre 1910-ish) and many Hay Buddens had that hourglass depressions under the base. Can you get a picture of any markings on the front feet of the base? Trentons usually had the weights on the left of the foot and the serial number on the right of the foot while HB's usually had the serial numbers stamped on the left side of the foot and the weight was stamped on the side of the anvil.

Regardless of the make, it is a beautiful anvil. Use it well!


Trenton! #342 A86255 I am fairly sure the serial starts with 8 the lower hoop is somewhat larger than the top, but it could be a 3
Anyone able to date her from this serial?

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I took the 800 mile round trip to buy just the anvil

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But after talking with the seller Don, he ended up filling my truck with all this post-7113-1271615393512_thumb.png as well as some new 2" stone wheels, grinders, piles of leaf springs and even a 4" solid brass cannon he made! I dont think he has any idea how happy he has made me!

Also I was very lucky to even get this anvil, I guess a few days after I started this post someone contacted the seller and offered them more than I had! but after talking with the family for almost six months they knew I would be a good home for it and they stuck with me till I could afford to make the trip and pay for the anvil.

Thank you and your family sir!

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