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I Forge Iron

First knife!

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This knife is made from a section of coil spring and the handle is oak and moose horn from last years hunt. This is my third project as a black smith after my ugly tongs and a cold chisel. I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far. I double annealed and then brought it up to Currie Temp and quenched in oil and tempered in the oven for two hours. Have had a real hard time getting it to 'look' like a knife. I found by changing the direction I filed from I could get the light to reflect differently on the bevel and make it look like it wasn't just a flat piece of metal. Anyway, any suggestions are more than welcome, thanks!


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Well as much as I hate being the first to reply to my own thread, lol, I'm hoping ot get some questions answered about proportions and finish. Does my handle appear too long? I think I'm going to trim an inch off it on a angle because something about the look of the knife just isn't sitting right with me yet. Now for finishes can someone suggest a couple to look up? So far I'm interested in using gun blueing or trying to make a mustard patina but are there any other options available that don't require chemicals that are hard to come by?

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The proportions look fine. How is it in your hand? It is your first knife, it is a user not a looker!

You did a good job keeping scale out of the blade. The point looks "funny" but it may be the lighting. I would not alter anything till I used it for a bit.


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Phil I agree with the point looking funny I added the drop (unsure of the terminology here) to it as a afterthought and the bevel really gave me a hard time so it never carried well to the tip. On my next knife I'm going to work on getting crisp lines on my knife. The handle feels great but it sticks out an inch past my hand and I haven't added the butt to the knife yet so I think I'll trim it a bit.

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Phil I agree with the point looking funny I added the drop (unsure of the terminology here) to it as a afterthought and the bevel really gave me a hard time so it never carried well to the tip. On my next knife I'm going to work on getting crisp lines on my knife. The handle feels great but it sticks out an inch past my hand and I haven't added the butt to the knife yet so I think I'll trim it a bit.

You could round off the tip and make it a sheep shank or sheep foot, but with some rocker like a santoku. Still, use it a bit and see if it needs the alteration.
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