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Guess you had to latch the freezer door after you stuffed the sheep in there,otherwise he`d just kick(or bunt) his way out.
Did freezing them for awhile make them any smarter?
If it did then let me know as I have an empty freezer(that locks),a wool blanket and my son`s number on speed dial. :)

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Guess you had to latch the freezer door after you stuffed the sheep in there,otherwise he`d just kick(or bunt) his way out.
Did freezing them for awhile make them any smarter?
If it did then let me know as I have an empty freezer(that locks),a wool blanket and my son`s number on speed dial. :)

That's a new one on my Bob, we've never had one of the white paper wrapped packages kick anything. I don't know if freezing helps but they make a MUCH smarter dinner than Livestock.

Do you call your son speedily if someone picks the lock on your freezer? Does that happen often? Is that why your freezer's empty?

If someone were emptying OUR freezer I'd put it out with Libby our Great Pyreneese Mountain dog, she doesn't let anyone but Deb and I take stuff and she's BIG enough to make it stick. (see pic)

Heck, better than saving our stuff from miscreants, she saved ME from the Great White. . . Birch. Libby's the dog who barked loudly and urgently enough AT the house to alert Deb inside, that something was W-R-O-N-G come QUICK!

Frosty the Lucky. (I hope I don't need to explain the signoff B))


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Just looking at ways to help make my son smarter. :rolleyes:
Great looking dog BTW.My chief of security,Otis,is getting up in years and has got to where he doesn`t let ANYBODY get away with anything!
Some days I`d wager that the dog`s smarter than my son.Heck,some days I`m sure the dog`s smarter than me. :blink:

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Just looking at ways to help make my son smarter. :rolleyes:
Great looking dog BTW.My chief of security,Otis,is getting up in years and has got to where he doesn`t let ANYBODY get away with anything!
Some days I`d wager that the dog`s smarter than my son.Heck,some days I`m sure the dog`s smarter than me. :blink:

Bob: I read this last night but had to take a little time to compose a reply. Seriously, you've succeeded in making me think before saying something!

Basically I have to wonder if your son KNOWS your plans for making him a little smarter? Maybe locking him in the freezer isn't the FIRST thing you've tried? :o Maybe treating him the same as Otis will work? Actually dogs have a little bit on all of us, the only reason they're not in charge is WE have the thumbs.

Frosty the Lucky.
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Well Frosty,I DID try treating my son like I treat Otis.My son bit me!
Otis knocked me out once but he has never bit me.
Do you think there`s a conspiracy going on here?

I`ve thought about calling The Dog Whisperer but I don`t think even he`d know where to start.

BTW-Did you hear about the dyslexic,agnostic,insomniac?He laid awake at night wondering if the there really was a Dog. :blink:

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Well Frosty,I DID try treating my son like I treat Otis.My son bit me!
Otis knocked me out once but he has never bit me.
Do you think there`s a conspiracy going on here?

I`ve thought about calling The Dog Whisperer but I don`t think even he`d know where to start.

BTW-Did you hear about the dyslexic,agnostic,insomniac?He laid awake at night wondering if the there really was a Dog. :blink:

You could be in real trouble Bob, I think Otis is the ringleader! :o

Frosty the Lucky.
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Don`t know about if he`s the ring leader or not.My wife hung the title"Emperor of the Universe" on him as that`s what he acts like.
He reminds me of myself during my Drill Sgt. days.Everything belongs to him,we just have it on temporary loan. :)
I may be the pack leader but that`s only because he allows it.Kind of like how I wear the pants in the family but if my wife didn`t do the wash and put the clothes away I wouldn`t have ANY pants to wear.She also likes to remind me that she`s the one who picks them out for me. :huh:

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Don`t know about if he`s the ring leader or not.My wife hung the title"Emperor of the Universe" on him as that`s what he acts like.
He reminds me of myself during my Drill Sgt. days.Everything belongs to him,we just have it on temporary loan. :)
I may be the pack leader but that`s only because he allows it.Kind of like how I wear the pants in the family but if my wife didn`t do the wash and put the clothes away I wouldn`t have ANY pants to wear.She also likes to remind me that she`s the one who picks them out for me. :huh:

Ah yes, we have an empress, half miniature doxy and half chihuahua, Pocket by name. If Deb didn't wash my pants it'd be like the old days, no Great White Birch could've gotten past the layer of dirt in the old days. ;)

Frosty the Lucky.
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