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I Forge Iron


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Got a question about handles for a couple of knives. Not seen anything like what I have in mind and not sure if it would work and didn't see it in the search.

Last Saturday I bought a few files with some handles at the flea market, mainly for the handles of course, it's not like i need more pieces of metal :D. When I got home I discovered the handles screwed on instead of the force fit type I am used to and that got me thinking. If I were to draw the tang down on the files to no taper would these screw on handle make acceptable handles for a few knives I need to make? I realize I would need to either epoxy them in or find some other way to make them permanent but would it be doable? The handles are the normal file type handles that are cylindrical with a bulb on the back so I would have to shape them slightly

The reason I ask is so far the hardest part I have found in doing the few knives I have made is making and attaching the handles. Plus I haven't made but one through tang yet.

Thanx for your help I do appreciate any opinions or comments.

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