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I Forge Iron

spinner ring


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hey its been a long time!
i'm looking at trying to make a spinner ring, that is a ring that is a u channel in cross section with another ring sitting in channel
heres the problem:
im afraid that if i try to peen the ouside lip on the sides of the other ring, i could split the metal, or make it really messy
what i need is a way to put a lip on the outside ring on both sides, while doing no damage to the inneer ring... and it looks like i'll have to cast both rings in aluminum to get a good size...could cast lip one one side
ideas? ways to make out of steel (i cant get enough heat for a forge weld)

thanks cal-k

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I think we need a little more information, dimensions, how true the rings have to be, clearance and how wide the flange has to be. Some options off the top of my head are bend a piece of channel in a ring spring it over the iner ring then elctric weld the channel. Make your ring and use metal spinning to close the flanges. Machine the outer ring and bolt or weld on the flange. Lots of other options based on requirements, volume and budget.

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I'd tend to think of it as a tube rivet project. Use a piece of tubing as the outer ring and flange the ends. Various techniques may work depending on scale and material characteristics. Since it seems you'd want a loose fit it might be easiest to start the groove formation on something like a sinusoidal stake (for anticlastic raising) and then place the inner ring and gently tap it till it tightens properly.

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