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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Always room for one more, glad you come aboard. If I may, would you update your profile giving your general location? You can do this by clicking on "User CP" in the green bar at the top of the page. This will help us help you, giving you info about toys, er I mean TOOLS that may be available in your area as well as blacksmith meetings close to you. Shoot, you could be just up the street from me and I not know it, thereby missing out on learning from you! Once again, welcome. BTW, it would be wise to have plenty to drink and eat when browsing this site, also let someone close to you know where you are...a body can get lost for DAYS and nobody know it! ;)

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Welcome aboard Ruckus, glad to have ya.

I like the idea of adding more Ruckus to the craft, kind of balances the cacophony of it all. ;)

Take a look around, snoop a little, read some or just jump in with both feet. It's all good.


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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I feel like I know some of you- just from reading your posts over the last few days. Yes my wife has lost me as I have surfed this site- I tell her that I'm only in the learning phase- wait til I am able to jump into this new adventure! I've already contemplated my first equipment purchase. Someone is selling a slew of anvils down in Allentown PA- One of which is a 100# (I think) Hay Budden. I'm so excited to get started! You have all pushed/helped me in this decision (completely without knowing it!); and I already owe you a great deal of thanks.

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