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I Forge Iron

Leather handled bowie


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nice job, keep it up! How does your bolster work? i was thinking on trying a leather stacked handle knife and all i found was stuff for a pommel or a butt cap that had the tang beat down like a rivet. just trying to get ideas. Thanks Chad

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chadj, I know what you mean about pommels being peened over, I made a leather handle for a navy k-bar that someone thoughtfully replaced with an ugly piece of antler, and that originally was made like that. The bolster works good, I narrowed the tang about 1/4 on each side and squared the corners so the bolster has a good stopping point. I'm not fortunate to have a lathe or mill, so I drilled a series of holes and hand filed the notch for the bolster to slide up the tang. The pommel bothered me for awhile since I don't have a lathe to turn one, so I figured why not use a kitchen cabinet knob? so I went to Lowes and purchaced one of the proper diameter, and I decided to weld a threaded shank onto the tang to attach the pommel. The pommel came threaded, but with too small a hole, so I found a hardened bolt that I was going to weld to the tang so I drilled the hole larger in the door knob and tapped it to the bolt thread. then I just hand threaded the pommel on and used an extra leather washer at the end to add pressure to help hold the pommel on and some loctite. The washers I made using a simple holesaw, I then put the washers on a long bolt and shaped them on the belt sander. If I had a lathe, I could make them nicer. Then I individually cut the tang shape out of each washer and stacked them in order.

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