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I Forge Iron

Any extra damascus?

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Hello all-
I'm looking for some damascus stock- My girl would like me to make her some earrings.. Her ears are "gauged", check 'em out here: http://www.inkednation.com/r/r.cfm?t=48&DisplayUser_ID=30603&photo_ID=174069
I showed her some damascus, and she really likes it. Problem is I'm not good enough at forge welding to make it. Yet.

So... Perhaps if someone has some laying around- 1/4" round stock would be Great.. Maybe 8" worth or so?
Maybe we could work out a trade or somesuch.

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years back we made sets of socketed wood working tools the damasc was carbon and nickel i made the layers up as stock and have still some bars left 1 1/2 ins by 5/8 random lenghths to 24 ins long they are more suited to making edged tools ,knives ,swords ,axes ,chisles, but provided you dont cool to fast it woul do ,if you forged it to a small sq and twisted it up tight then rounded it up the edge grain will show up, you can have some ,for the price of the post ,from the UK ,

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