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I Forge Iron

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I'm Tyler Murch. 16 year old blacksmith from Macon, Georgia. I like all parts of blacksmithg from ornamental to blades and tools. I've built more forges than anybody. Right now I use charcoal, and I think I like it the best. I like to make tomahawks. That and cable damascus is the main thing I'm doing now.

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I believe Ralph was referring to this part of your opening post. " I've built more forges than anybody."

irn, you hit it on the head. smithing more or less 12 years. usuall as a volunteer at Ft. Vancover . NHS Have a fantastic time trying to learn.Got some folks there that know vmore than I WILL EVER KNOW but I keep tying. Also folks like irnsrg. but just keep ploding along. i might vjust miss the nasty cowpie and find the jewel
ralph the hopefull
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