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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ChristoB_WNC

  1. As a volunteer tour guide at the Washington National Cathedral, Nol and his work have been a big part of my life for years now. I met Nol through his work at the cathedral, some 20 years ago, and then later had the privilege to work with him as he wrote "Beauty in the Shadows" (a coffee-table-style book about the cathedral's entire ironwork collection), serving as one of his editors and photographers for that terrific book. I visited his forge many times while he was a "cornerstone" of the RAAC annual art tour weekend each November; it is very sad to realize seeing him at last year's RAAC event was to be the last time. Nol was always gracious, thoughtful, humorous, generous and insightful. He was a charming host, and I loved listening to him speak, whether off the cuff or if giving a presentation or lecture. I will be adding an extra focus on his work during my cathedral tours this weekend. Rest in peace, Nol... and maybe give those Pearly Gates a little bit of a make-over, some florets and leaves, please!
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