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Posts posted by Naz

  1. Well this is not a tradition but I thought it might be funny to post here... A friend of ours made me this awesome  cake for my 40th birthday...  How many out there can say they ate an anvil for dessert, then cleaned out the stuck pieces of it on their teeth with a hammer handle ???




  2. I use 1/3 of each and make small batches at a time.
    I used to make large batches but found they dry up over time (probably the turpentine/mineral spirits) and don't go on as easily as when the batch was fresh.
    Let dry 10-20 minutes, then buff with a rag.
    Works great for me...

  3. Very nice, every detail has been carefully executed.
    I see a lot of work and patience in that piece.

    Funny thing, I just finished a dragon this week and used copper rivets for the eyes.
    Although I knew I was probably not the first one to think of this, I still thaught I was pretty slick to come up with the idea.
    I guess we were thinking the same thing at the same time.

    Again, nice job on the dragon and making it stand on your anvil just makes it even cooler !

  4. Are you bending hot or cold ?
    3/8" rod bends cold quite easily on a 2 foot diameter.
    Cut a longer piece than you need and go around the drum (Jig) let's say 1 1/2 turns.
    Of course there will be spring back and your ring will be a bit larger than 2 foot diameter, if this is an issue maybe you can find something smaller to use as a jig or arrange the job to fit with a larger diameter ring.

    Hope this helps, good luck !


  5. WOW ! I really like the look of that finish, specially when you think it's been galvanized... I didn't think you could get a nice looking finish as this after it was galvanized...

    Thanks for posting this macbruce !

    Would love to see a pic of the finished railing...

  6. Well I had another go at it and didn't get good results, the finish is extra-easy to scratch and I'm not sure where I went wrong.

    Two things come to mind after re-reading the above replies.
    1- I wire wheeled all parts to a smooth gray finish (then read John's reply advising not to do this !!!)
    2- I may have mixed the 3rd coat of paste with too much thinner (again, this was done prior to reading John's reply advising not to mix too thin !!!)

    I suspect the thinner of the 3rd coat has found it's way into the 2 prevous ones, therfore destroying them !

    Also, I've added a coat of clear acrylic on top of everything and that did not seem to have adhered either ???

    Thanks for all the tips guys, at least I know where I went wrong and will be ready next time !

    Tried to add photos and wasn't able, sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. It's like rolling the dice !!!

  7. Hi Marek,

    Here's a list of some of the blacksmith shops around Montreal.
    Yup, it's in french and I don't know which one of them also speaks english or if they are looking for help right now but it's a place to start...

    All the e-mail adresses are there so you may want to post the above message to them and see how that goes...

    By the way, you do very nice work !


    Good luck !

  8. Had a go at it a few nights ago and was pleased with the results, I mixed the paste with mineral spirits until I had a "paint-like" thickness.
    I used a rag and was able to get the mix easily in all the hard to reach spots, let dry until the next day and buffed with a clean rag.

    I will be using this finish again on some of my projects for sure...

    Thanks again for all replies !




  9. I've had a small can of black Gilder's paste for over a year and only used it once but I don't think it was in the usual way it is used.

    I added a small amount to my usual beeswax, boiled linseed and mineral spirits mix to give it a slight darker finish.
    The mix gave a dark see through finish that was actually pretty cool.

    Anyways, I know this is not the way it is meant to be used and would like to know how some of you that have had success with this product are going at it.

    Do you mix the paste with thinner ? other mixes ? How thick do you make your mix ? It is quite dry in the can and seems it would be hard to get it to spread nicely especially in hard to reach areas.

    Applied cold ? What do you use to apply it, rags ?

    Same preperation of the metal as for the wax/oil finishes ? Wire wheel ? Sand paper ?

    Let dry and buff ?

    As you can see, any basic info will be appreciated...

    Thanks in advance


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