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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by JmShrader

  1. George, has there been any headway made on the licensing front for front in regards to guys being grandfathered in, never taking a test but getting a commission license, taking that license to another state and getting reciprocal commission license? J.m Shrader here George, it’s been a while old buddy, hope all is well. A lot has changed since I left horseshoes back in ‘11/12. I was under a horse 2weeks ago for the first time since the summer of 2013 when I had my bad accident and they didn’t think I was gonna walk again and was in another accident back April of this year. Broke my left femur, broke the femoral head off in the hip and broke the other end plumb off at the knee. Got about 19” of titanium rod and 15 screws in it. Felt good to get under a horse again. Like riding a bike tho,you never forget lol George, I’d have a chance drop me aPM.
  2. As few as possible to get the job done. I’ve always shod that way. A lot of my horses are shod 3 nails inside branch 2 nails outside.
  3. I’m still using one of the first ones I made when I first went out on my own. Can see it in the photo hanging on the top left side cutout on my shoeing box, where it’s been since I scrapped my noisy,short aluminum platers box and ordered the taller baskins box. That clinch block is a standard 14” Nicholson Platers magiCut that was used for field trims on broodmares. It skipped vise rasp/hot rasp and straight in the scrap pile lol. I’ve made a pile of them over the years,even forge welded the folds in a few even tho it’s overkill. The original there in the picture was made in the old NC 2 burner gas forge I had at the time. I like a good bit of mass in my blocks so I use the entire length of the rasp. The edge of mine where you catch the nail nub with has been squared up and the surface that’s against the hoof wall is hammered in to a slight bevel. I’ll take a couple pictures of it tomorrow when I go out to the shop.
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