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Posts posted by MadHatter

  1. I'm looking for a vairable speed motor or control for my belt sander, but I only have 1PH in my shop.
    John, I looked at that KB website, and didn't see any 1PH stuff. (Never worked w any 3 PH stuff, so maybe I'm missing something)...
    Looks like these things are designed to convert 1 PH input to 3 PH output.
    All I need is variable speed control for a 1 PH motor.
    Or should I be looking for a 3 PH motor teamed up with the KB control...?


  2. What the magnet does is convert the thin flexible heel of the anvil into a much more massive, less moveable mass. An anvil is a tuning fork, basically. Increase the mass of the fork tangs, you lower the ring frequency, or even just deaden the vibrations altogether. My problem is I have yet to find a strong enough magnet that will not fall off when I'm hammering anywhere near the heel end. Heavy chain around the anvil's waist hasn't made that much difference. I have seen a 1/4 inch layer of silicone sheet on top of the anvil stand, under the anvil, work really well.
    I'm going to try the vise-grip trick I just read a few messages back. Makes sense it would deaden the ring.

  3. John N, thanks for posting the info. I am just in the process of setting up my new (new to me) 50k SayHa, and have been wondering how to minimize the vibration so the neighbors don't have a reason to shut me down. Not quite ready to cut a hole in my slab yet, since I'm going to experiment with shop layout now that I have the Hammer. But at least I have some direction, and will be looking into this Tico S stuff and Fabreeka.
    BIG help! You answered a lot of questions.

  4. Haven't been on here in a long time. I'm the guy with the SayHa that Steve was talking about when he started this thread. (Thanks Steve!) And thanks to everybody who's jumped in here with info.

    The gasket material in the top of the compressor cylinder - what I can see of it at the edges - looks like some braided stuff, kind of like that fiberglass braid they seal wood burning stove doors with. I'm not about to open up that cylinder till I know what to replace the gasket with... ;) Anyway, some of the bolts (hex head) needed tightening, which I did but without a torque wrench. Haven't had time to really run it since. (Day job :mad: ). Hopefully this weekend.

    I've put a call in to Bob Alexander, but he hasn't called back yet - might be on a trip. I'll try again next day or two.

    781, I'd love to have a copy of your manual, available parts or not. Any way that could happen?

    David E., I think we have the same hammer. Mine's a Say Ha 50. #58. Early model.

    BTW all, Tom Clark made a set of 4 DVD's you can get from Bob Alexander called Setup, Maintenance and Operation of the Say Mak 50 and 60 hammers.
    I have the set, and Tom did us all a great service putting these together during his last year. Highly recommended. Unfortunately, no mention of gasket material for the compressor cylinder. (Might be different for different versions. Tom was constantly improving the thing.) (Be a shame if nobody takes over the business, GREAT hammer!)

    One last thing. The metal "drip pan" cover over the belt is set at an angle that actually directs any cylinder oil ONTO my belt (at the upper end), - go figure - so I'm in the process of modifying that to make sure that no longer happens. That will probably make a huge difference, leak or no leak. As long as my belt stays dry and doesn't slip, I should be able to get all the power into the ram that the compressor can develop.

    Gotta run. Thanks again.

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