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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by junker

  1. im trying to aneal some 01 for a knife (already forged to shape just need to grind). but no matter haw long i make it take to cool it just keeps skating my files, i even had it cool with other hot pieces in the bucket of sand and even then it just skates. this last time when i tried when i pulled it out of the bucket it had curved considerably. im trying to finish this knife for a friend of mine who will be shipping to afgahnastan soon so please help!

  2. upper bone from front leg of a Florida deer (kinda small Florida deer are tiny) worked for my knife cause it was also small. but i've heard of people using a cow femur for the handle of a sword with the same technique.

  3. i made 1 on my first knife so the quality ain't great, but soak the bone ur using in bleach for about a week, then sit it in the sun to dry off for about a day. do not towel the bone dry or anything, just straight from bleach to sun. then i used muratic acid to eat the inside of the bone away, then i took a file roughly the same size as the tang of my knife and enlarged the inside of the bone to fit. drill a hole for a pine through knife and bone. then get some clear spray laquer and well spray it on lol. then put the hole in the bone about 1/4 full of epoxy, press onto handle, and slide pin in place. be carefull and make sure that you've widened the hole enough with the file beforehand or the bone will split. also you're gonna have to use atleast 6 coats of laquer (atleast when i did it) because the bone soaks it into it'self (same with some of the epoxy on the inside) luckily this makes it less fragile though and it stands up nicely to use (even if u split it :P)

  4. be carfull when welding cable. i always clean my cable in muratic acid before i do any welding with it. my first time trying to weld cable something got trapped in the center (i think oxygen from the rust but i truly have no clue) and when i hit it it exploded quite violently and sent little shards or hot wire everywhere. i still have the scars on my stomach from where i had to pull out some of said wires. so please and i can't stress this enough. BE CAREFULL and prep wire before welding it, the chances of something like what happened to me happening again or happening to you are very slim but why take the risk?

  5. as the title says i love the forge in this video, i wonder how it's made? ... kilts for the win!!! :lol:

    <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/cuPmW62WasU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/cuPmW62WasU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

  6. all i need is a small knife forge, something with a removable back so i can work longer pieces. but i'd like to be able to forge weld billets in it. i'd like to try it with a small carb first just to check if it works (and for safety's sake)

  7. I don't know about diesels, but cars have one fuel pump...in the gas tank.

    Fuel injectors are solonoids, normally closed IIRC, and when proper voltage is applied they open and the spray forms a very fine mist, ideal in fact for mixing and burning, so why mess with it? It is nice to have an "off" switch that is quicker than pressure running down.

    Don't forget the fuel pressure regulator on the return end of the injector rail with a recirculating line back to the tank.

    This is suddenly feeling like a "tab A into Slot A" kinda thing. Once you have a good blower, good fuel pump, good fuel injector, and the proper voltages to run everything it should be easy. Just need to cobble together a manifold...No reason it won't work.

    In fact it is seeming almost scary easy.

    Pay mind to leaks before even thinking about lighting a fire. I have seen a pinhole in a high pressure fuel hose throw a stream of fuel over 10 feet.

    If I had free run of a bone yard I might consider this even.


    in a gas engine the injectors are solinoids. but in a diesel the game is about pop- pressure. when enough pressure is behind it it opens. remember, any fuel going into the cylinder in a diesel is forcing it's way past the compression in that cylinder at it's highest point. (probably why the fuel pump in a diesel is so redicuoulsy high pressure)where as a gas engine is essentially being sucked in on the downstroke (or just sprayed in at the lowest point of the piston) so i have no clue which would be better. if any1 has any ideas im open lols. but i wonder it the carborator with a high pressure fan on top would be the better bet. it would atomize the fuel with the incoming air and then you could set it up on a nozzle like a normal propane forge. sorry if this sounds moronic to anyone but im just throwing out ideas. and don't worry glen ill be carefull. lols and if i blow myself up ill make sure not to let IFI slip in any way :P
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