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Posts posted by alexandr

  1. 4 hours ago, Frosty said:

    Do the bees show any reaction to brightly colored hives? I understand they don't see in the same spectrum we do but the hives colors would be different to them too, just not the ones we see. 

    Bees recognize blue, yellow-green-orange colors. Contrasting colors are also recognized.

  2. On 5/20/2024 at 12:54 AM, Frosty said:

    I must compliment you once again on the prettiest bee hives I've ever seen Alex. If I kept bees I'd be jealous, maybe have to come up with a paint scheme of my own. 

    HI Jer !

    In our area there is little sun and many gray dull days. That's why I try to surround myself with bright colors. Colorful hives are a delight to the eye at any time of the year.


    On 5/20/2024 at 1:05 AM, George N. M. said:

    Did all your hives make it through the winter?  I hope so.  Do you talk to your bees?  Some people believe that you need to tell the bees what is going on in their world.  I know a lady here in Laramie who feels that the bees are happier and produce more and better honey if you talk to them.

    HI George !

    Yes, bees spend the winter outside.

    I work silently so as not to be distracted. One careless move and I could crush a bee. They don't like it very much and can fight back))) 



  3. 16 minutes ago, LarryFahnoe said:

    Wonderful to see your garden waking up after a long snowy winter!


    It suddenly became warmer and there was a lot of work in the garden.  Literally one day, apple, plum, and bird cherry trees began to bloom... I had to urgently take care of the bees.





  4. 2 hours ago, LarryFahnoe said:

    On the other hand, I can't say that I miss shoveling...;)

    Agree. Not the most pleasant experience.:wacko:

    2 hours ago, Frosty said:

    Ayup, that's cold Alex and yes it's beautiful, especially sun rise and set, though a full moon can be as breath taking as the temperature.

    HI Jer !

    Winter has its own charms, despite the cold. But I would prefer a warmer climate.

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