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I Forge Iron

Jocko 58

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Posts posted by Jocko 58

  1. Hi Hill.josh
    when drilling anything it also depends on what speed u are drilling at and what material. Cast iron slow no lube/Aluminum med-high speed Kero /Brass- Bronze less angle on drill bit no lube mid range speed / steel keep cool and lubed / Stainless Steel keep cool at all times & lubed put a little more pressure on job but keep cool at all times
    Hope this helps
    From OZ Onya mate ;)

  2. Hi swade
    Get in touch with mont de lacey Blacksmith site, there is a bloke named Steve tinkering there . He is right into it. you might have to oskar contact number is on the site.
    Onya mate ;)

  3. G'day I'm stuck I have a small shop in a craft village in OZ.
    It's 4 days a week and we get coaches come in for a look but all i'm doing is larger items,I am trying to do keyrings-necklaces and small trinkets .
    Can i please get some help on any ideas as i'm to smithing 3 months,i have been doing it cold with machines. But i now have a coke forge and are trying to think of things to make? . I have tried small leaves snake necklaces and i am blank at the moment
    If anyone could help that would be great if u cant that"s Ok too
    Cheers John:confused:

  4. G'day to all
    I'm John from Frankston Vic a Fitter by trade on weekends i have a shed at a craft village in Tyabb where i do wrought iron work. 8-9 weeks ago i became a learner smithy and love it
    Cheers :D

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