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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Page76

  1. Thanks to njanvilman ive been able to identify my anvil and thanks to a bunch of old fashioned elbow grease I've finally got my stand done, my anvil wire wheeled and a nice coat of lindseed oil cooked on.  Even made a nameplate at work for free identifying the anvil in case i kick the bucket so the next guy will know what it is haha.  Tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is welcomed. PS I know the anvil needs to be attached to the stand.  Right now I just have it routed out and set in the pattern.






    No markings .  The Fisher expert NJAM identified it for me.. I also thought it was a Badger.. Log on to his web there might be pictures or he might log on to help.. Super guy.

    Hey Jim I wanted to let you know I looked up that guy. You're right super nice guy spending a lot of time through messages telling me what I have. Thanks so much for the heads up!  Sure appreciate the help!


    Since Page76 is new, NJAM is @njanvilman and to call him a Fisher and expert is probably and understatement.

    Thanks Dan.. is it an email or a screename on here?  How do I look him up.  I sure appreciate all the help from the good guys here!  Throughout my learning stages of smithing I've really found MOST people here really try to help the newbies.  Thanks again!!! 

  4. Hey all.  I finally got my hands on an anvil. Now need help to identify it.  I don't believe it to be cast iron because the face rebound is spectacular using the ball bearing test (about 90%).  And there's from what I understand "handling holes" on the ends under the horn and heal which seems to be from forging it.  I will wire wheel it when it gets in my possession.  Anyone know from the shape or style who made it?  As a side note.. when tapping the horn it doesn't have a great ring.  Overall a quiet anvil WITH awesome rebound.  Thinking a Fisher?  It weighs in at 128 lbs but has 130 stamped into it.  No other markings are visible at this time




  5. I grew up in Illinois. Been out here for 8 years and absolutely love it.  No regrets. I think by the time Arizona got populated blacksmithing was a thing of the past and they left their old chunks of Steel out east and South and Midwest.  Very hard to come by and when you do find out they are around $1,000 Mark or higher.

    4 minutes ago, Jim Coke said:

    Greetings ,


       ( 1 )  Establish a budget and anvil size you wish

       ( 2 )  Double number 1 

       ( 3 ). Keep the cash in your pocket  

       ( 4 )  When talking to people always change the subject to blacksmithing and anvils.

       ( 5 )  If a prospective anvil purchase does not feel right walk away another may show up tomorrow..


        Good luck on the hunt

         Forge on and make beautiful things    


    Love it!  seems like great words to live by for the Anvil Hunter

    19 minutes ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

    I grew up in AZ, out in Cave Creek Daz

    Joy, joy Page. That's a heck of a commute. Drive out to Cave Creek and treat your SO to lunch at Harold's and enjoy the Blacksmith porn. 

    Never heard of it.  But you got my attention!  I'll be looking into it.  Love cave Creek and fountain hills area! *Tips hat*

  6. Charles I totally agree an hour is not that long of a drive for your average person out here.  However  live all the way down in San Tan Valley and I drive to Gilbert every single day to and fro.  And when I get to work I get in a company vehicle and service the entire Valley.  With all that information being said the last thing I want to do on my day off is driving hour up there to look at it and an hour back empty-handed or being ripped off.. thanks guys again for your input I think you've talked me out of it and I think that's a good thing.

  7. I might go check it out but the problem is I live an hour away from him. And the guy doesn't know anything About it have zero information about it. Says he bought it in an auction a long time ago and it's just sitting there collecting dust.  Just was hoping to run into some friendly people that could help me out with the subject at hand which is identifying the no 50 on the side and the general shape of it if it's worth looking at didn't mean to turn it into something that it wasn't

  8. I concur... I'd never spend 1200-1600 bucks for an old anvil. Def buy new.

    My rail does work fine that's why I'm not in a hurry or anxious to spend a ton of money on something else. Was just wondering if this old xxxx that I sent pictures of may be worth something.  But after talking to you professionals and finding out there's probably a .5% chance of it not being cast iron I think I'll pass. Thank you everyone

  9. Thank you and I'll update my profile as soon as I get a chance. I created this last night while I was in bed before I hit the sack and I got up early for work and I'm still at work I don't have time for that right now. I am not what you would call electronically gifted so I'll have to figure it out later when I have more time. I'm in Arizona not a lot of anvils have made their way out here

  10. Thanks all for chiming in.  Appreciate all the input and to meet y'all.  I haven't actually seen the anvil with my own eyes yet but when I do I will try to get a better look at the other side. I understand the ball bearing test and the hammer test as I've been researching anvils for a long time. I was hoping somebody would recognize the Anvil and be able to identify it.  I got on many websites looking for a similar one and I cannot find anything like this one. Anvils in my area are way over $1,000 old and used so I was thinking this one might be okay. my railroad track is pretty small. Not alot of surface to bang on.  I pretty much have everything else in the shop I need and no $50 is not a lot of money to me.  I'm just really struggling to find an anvil in my price range between 2 and $300.  The railroad track works good enough for me to spend anything more than that at this point.

  11. Hello all new to this site.  I'm a beginner hobbiest metal banger (don't wanna call myself even a wanna be smith yet haha).  Right now I'm banging on a RR tracks and I, like everyone else, am looking for an anvil. I ran across someone that has one and it looks cheap but not sure. He said he would sell it to me for $50 and the only identifying mark on it is an extruded extruded "NO. 50".  I'M ASSUMING IT'S CAST BECAUSE THE LETTERS AND NUMBERS ARE IN FACT RAISED CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE ME SOME INSIGHT ON WHAT THEY THINK THIS IS? And if it's worth $50 thanks all



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