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I Forge Iron

old school blacksmith

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Posts posted by old school blacksmith

  1. guys, guys listen I under stand you want me to use other topics that people have asked about blacksmithing but..... what I'm asking will it or will it not work? it's for the floor part of my forge. and I'm  going to read the stuff that you guys are suggesting to me today! so will it or will it not work? THIS is the last time you are going to hear this question out of me! also Thomas I'm using the book as a somewhat how to guide if you understand.

  2. What are your sources on medieval smithing?

    The Backyard Blacksmith(book), and using first and secondary sources which I've forgotten.

    What type of Medieval smithing are you planning to do?

    swords but first beginner stuff from the book name given.

    How many people will you have working in your smithy?

    my self at first but I'm still deciding on if i'd want a striker

    Will you be using charcoal or will this be the later middle ages?


    Thomas i'll give you my other answers later


  3. Dave I know about the IBA due to someone else in the chat gave me a huge amount of info on the conference going on! but I'm going to try to go and can get a first glimpse at the tech. people use when forging. also thanks for reminding me about it because I've got to make plans to go to it. and guys the pic. of the forge is close on what I mite make. Oh have you heard of plaster of Paris mixed with water, and sand?? its off of a video on you-tube it's from the link below.....


    and I was just wondering if it could be used on a brick forge. I thought that it would help on keeping the temp. high enough and help with fire control if one starts out of the forge. please just give me a Y or N and your pros and cons about this! the reason I've asked is because I'm trying to make the interior of the forge first and I was going to use that mixture for doing so.

  4. Buzz kill I understand what you are saying to me but my words get mixed up when I try to type or write. due to me having A.D.D. but I'm only in need of info on items that are good that's with in $55 and I have done a lot of research on Blacksmithing. even if I haven't already made my forge also from your words and typing I can tell that you are a pro even if you are a hobbiest ! That's why I signed up for this site! So I can get more information from people who already did this type of stuff so I f.... Up! and get hurt and I meant that I'm saving for a car and the range of cash is what I have after I put some cash up for a car! Like I said A.D.D.! Also I'm trying to approach this slowly it's just some items I can't find and it's kinda stressing me out badly!

    But I'm not joking about me trying to get the info on what to do and items from people who already did this! Also it gives me an idea of some what to do with my forge. and I'm a country boy so you can say that it may be second nature to me but having no clue on how to do it! So please try to see where I'm coming from with this!

  5. guys my forge isn't even set up and it's going to be a coal one also I'm a extremely newbie at this that's why I'm asking ya'll!! also Thomas Powers you need to cut it down a few notches with the questions man! also I'm 15-21 age range so cut me some slack plz! :( a.s.a.p. is because I'm tired of running into dead ends on finding items and the dollar range is about how much I can spend because of my savings to get a car! also you guys are really helping me out with my problem and I thank ya'll for doing so!!

  6. I know a very good portion of blacksmithing because I've been doing research and studying the topic. also when I say ''extremely best'' I mean what is the known and best sealant that you guys already used and it held together. that's what I mean also I'm using fireproof bricks for doing this. and I'm not rushed I'm just having trouble finding the right sealant to do so that's all. :) and the reason my username is old school blacksmith is because I'm doing is 100% old.... medieval style!


    and thanks for trying to help me out guys!

  7. hey if you are a blacksmith that has a brick forge or knows some knowledge about brick smithy forge please I need major info. On how I can seal up the bricks that I have for my forge and what is the extremely best thing to do so. Also if you do this for a job mostly and not as a hobby please reply a.s.a.p.! Hobbyist you can  answer as well. oh the attachment pic is somewhat what I'm trying to build. so please help me! and it needs to be at least under $55.00! :(


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