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I Forge Iron

old school blacksmith

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    Indianaoplis IN USA
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    trying to black smith old school style!!!

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  1. Xxxx you have a strong sense of honor of smithing and if I'm wrong I'm wrong I will admit it xxxx and I know that the half of the xxxx I say ticks y'all off but I'm a kid that is still learning the ropes of smithing so please understand that when you get ticked off at something I said just please xxxxxxx correct me alright xxxx >:( Dang y'all! now xxxx You know how much it is to see a xxxxxxx like me to be seen by y'all that is interested in the art. So quiet xxxxxxx getting ticked off at me and correct me. Also I know that I'm getting into stuff that can xxxx myself up really bad if I don't be careful with how I do it. I'm not blaming you guys but I understand that you care about me and all but I have to say something that you might not want to hear from me but y'all some times act like xxxxxx teenagers yelling at my xxxx. What I just said is mostly about right and I'm being a little stubborn punk it's just the way I try to hear from you guys doesn't always answer my question easy like so I can understand that you are saying to me. (sigh) so I know that I don't know alot about the history of our blacksmithing brotheren but just enough to express myself in the art of smithing.
  2. I'm talking about the midevil era about blacksmiths when they didn't have any one to talk to or master under! Not this era sorry I should had specified to you guys
  3. ok, ok, ok, I hear you guys and yes this is a good opportunity for me and all. but their is some reasons to my insanity which my not come out right if I typed it. any how though out history their have been master smiths. who where not taught by another person in the art of smithing and still have succeeded in becoming a master with out aid if my memory is correct. and I'm still thinking of taking the class and I might do it/ take it so don't wory I know I shouldn't pass this opportunity!! and who knows he might teach me something about swordsmithing. so yeah call me a xxxx: if you need to but I know my last message was xxxxxx up!
  4. Wow I just might use that in my plans for my forge, thanks Charles for showing me that. A guys I need some advice on how I can show my ma how dedicated to blacksmithing? She found a guy who does blacksmithing but I keep telling her that I want to be self taught in the art because she has not did any research on the topic herself. So how can I show her that I'm dedicated and wanting to do blacksmithing? Also she is stubborn as a donkey. This is the toughest thing I have to do before I can do anything to get started on my forge! So what should I do to show her?
  5. A forge pan?? Can you please show me a picture of what it looks like so I have a better idea of what you are talking about.
  6. No I haven't been to one IBA meeting keep getting held up at school and work....YES I have not graduated (high school) yet... sorry Thomas! and thank you for all the info that you guys can give me because this will come in handy for when I do have to make my trailer. BTW when are the spring and summer meetings are held at? Because I could possibly go to one of those.
  7. Well it's just I need to know what type of square steel or iron rod is strong enough to be able to hold a brick forge that's about 2x2 ft. with and length... hight is still unknown to me but I will find a decent hight for it. This is what I can give you in info on my forge for the moment.... Also it needs to be strong enough to hold my tools and anvil. So can you guys help me? And I will check out that one guy you told me about Charles.
  8. hey guys i need to know if ya'll know anyone on here that i can talk to about portable forges? if so please give me a link to their chat page because i have a sos problem that they can help out with. or if you know some info of portable forges then you can give some info on what type of square steel or iron rods i can use for making a trailer. for like an example pulling around a ride able lawn mower. that's what kind of trailer i'm needing and i might make if i can't find a cheep one so i'm just planning a head for my portable forge. and i might be moving to another house after i graduate from high school that's why i'm in need of info. so please hear me when i say i'm all ears to hear what ya'll have to say no joke.
  9. Are there ways to Warp/ shaping iron or Steel to make tongues with no fire? If so what are they because I can use that to make some tongues that I can use for when I start. I know casting and smithing are two different types of ways a blacksmith should know. and I like to challenge myself also multitask on a few things to spice it up a bit. Even though it may take a long time I will be able to kill two birds with one stone.
  10. So what you guys are saying is that casting steel and iron tools are on a hole different skill level for a beginner smith right?? If so then what kind of tools can I make by casting that are on a novice level? I'm sorry if I'm really picking y'all's brains to much. I'm trying to get the most out of a novice can do (when I really start) from y'all.
  11. Wow that's awesome to know that thanks for the info Thomas! Does anyone else have some good info I should know as well?
  12. Hey guys I know that forging and casting are totally different from each other. But I'm just curious, and I wanted to run this threw you guys. I do recall that y'all said that casting weakens the metal that you are working with; but my question is can I cast my tools if I'm making them? I'm thinking of different ways I can make my tools that's all.
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