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I Forge Iron

The Alchemist

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Everything posted by The Alchemist

  1. Is there any way to clean flux from a dense ceramic floor in my gas forge?
  2. Thanks guys. You all answered my questions and then some!
  3. I'm about to start some ornamental forging and I'm going to need to bend some metal. I'm looking for any recommendations you have. Are these things any good and can they bend tube? https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjRvMinxOLYAhVMPIEKHdpeBSwYABA_GgJ5dw&ae=1&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESEeD2fv-fQb-XcX28_oI9C7pn&sig=AOD64_3Fuxr7jxan7YVQhXzgp5Djtu_RSQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwj18LunxOLYAhVP2FMKHT5lBggQwg8InwE&adurl=http://www.grizzly.com/products/Compact-Bender-System-Floor-Model/H3184%3Fiparcelcountry%3DUS%26gclid%3DCjwKCAiAqIHTBRAVEiwA6TgJw8_RkUxhwY1SmKB8-8dx-pCNQ8rdlB_3gDBr38zqzP3oWDszheEqVhoCaIMQAvD_BwE
  4. What kind of forge do you have?
  5. Hello forum, I am soon to have a better shop and I want a bigger gas forge. I am torn between diamondback and a majestic. I have heard some bad things about the majestic, but I want to hear some good things. I am wanting to make hammers and demascus. Does anyone have experience with a three burner majestic forge?
  6. That is very interesting! I'm the only one in my kitchen who doesn't complain about the heat.
  7. I am a chef when I'm not blacksmithing. I guess I just like fire. I have been making handles and sayas for a little while now, but this is my first knife. Hand forged 52100. Blade length is 9.5 inches. I have it between 62 and 65 rockwell. I heat treated by eye. The handle is a Japanese wa style made from Lignum Vitae with a black and white ebony ferrule. Thanks for looking, Josh Cooper
  8. No, I don't have the book. I will look into getting one. I had a feeling about this steel. Does t15 steel have a low magnetic attraction?
  9. I'm not really sure, but I think I have some t15 steel. It came from an industrial metal cutting lathe. The pieces are large, plenty to make some blades. Any and all thought welcome on this. I haven't forged any yet and I want to know if I'm going to have problems doing it. Thanks everyone! Cooper
  10. I find this very interesting. First I started with a very large speaker magnet. I grinded the side that was attached to the basket flat. I then put it on the bottom of the flat horn. What is so interesting is that the position of the magnet causes different results. I can move it mere millimeters and cause the anvil to ring again. Right now it is totally ring free. So if you have tried a magnet and was not satisfied, try it again.
  11. I put a sheet of industrial rubber under my anvil and then put a pretty large speaker magnet under the shelf, the ringing has stopped. Thanks everyone for your recommendations.
  12. It makes sense. Hold a bell by a wooden handle, it rings. Put the bell against the ground and it mutes. I get it now. The metal transfers the vibration to the ground.
  13. Do modern metal stands work better than wood for ringing?
  14. My anvil rings like a bell. I have heard of a few trick to help alleviate the vibration and ringing but want some more opinions. Thanks a bunch.
  15. Hey guys, In a local antique shop sets an old grind stone. It is the rotary style, about 2 ft diameter. I was wondering if anyone uses them for the initial grind.
  16. Hey C-1 and Tubalcain, super cool there are smiths in my area!
  17. Hey Wayne, Steve Williamson is my mentor, great guy. I don't know Feinstein. Thanks for the invite, I may come visit some day. Thanks.
  18. Hi everyone, my name is Josh. I am pretty new to forging. My main interest is kitchen knives, I am a chef. I am starting to want to learn how to make hammers and other tools though. I am mentoring under a master blacksmith with over 20 years of experience. I am very interested in meeting people in my area and sharing ideas and experience.
  19. Hey Russell, My name is Josh and I live in Columbia. I too am very new to forging. We should totally be friends.
  20. Oh yes, I always carry the anvil separate from the stump. How would you go about branding the stump?
  21. Thanks! I used all thread bolts to hold it together. It is my first one. There are several things I would have done differently, but it works great so far. I used untreated pine 2x12s. It only cost around 40 dollars to make.
  22. Hey everyone, I'm pretty new here. So far I really love this forum. 77lbs. Peddinghaus
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