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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Ragnarok

  1. would be a bit light i would think, most people seem to say oak, elm, beech, and the heavier the better..
  2. ahh! good idea i wondered if they would work, wonder if there are industrial ones, in metal cases... I'll go to the local electrics supplier tomorrow and see what they have, so basically any power controller should work? thanks a lot really helps :)
  3. I've seen lot's of iron stands filled with concrete never seen a solid concrete one though, should work pretty much the same as an iron stand i should think, maybe better seeing as it'd be heavier, you could get a 1/4" steel plate for the top and weld a load of rebar to the bottom and cast the concrete so that the steel top is held on by the rebar that'd be very similar to an iron stand filled with concrete I've just been making a solid oak stand for my "new" 214lb and it's looking good
  4. hey, I've got my eye on an electric forge blower, but the speed controller is missing, can anyone tell me where i can get a speed controller from or what the proper name for them is, and how much it's likely to cost... Or is it better to just put a valve in the air way and have an on/off switch? thanks all Rune
  5. ahh good I beleave potters borax frit is ground glass borax, I looked up what frits are and it seems they are things that have been made in to glass then ground up again, do that stuff should be fine it's used as a flux for earthenware potter glazes. thanks for the info, I'll probably have a go with that stuff and see how it goes :)
  6. hey, just a quick question is what they call in pottery stores Standard Borax Frit a good welding flux, i think i have read that it's ground borax glass? so that would mean it wouldn't reabsorb moisture? Thanks Rune
  7. yeah i think i might as well use one log really seeing as i have a log big enough, and it'll be an easy way out of fixing the alldays to the iron stand haha (seems like whatever fixed it down originally is missing) and i like the look of an anvil on a wooden log with the metal hoops over the feet :)
  8. well I guess the worked in look is good but I reckon it can be neat and still look worked in do you guys reckon the iron anvil bases are better that big oak logs? cause the iron based I have are too low for me, and I have a big oak trunk of a fallen tree that I could make a couple of bases from so I was thinking of just using that, or cutting thiner bits off to lift the bases up a bit, what do you think a bit of wood under the iron base or just a big log and forget the iron base.
  9. haha they're not THAT good are they?... what anvil do you have? I was just lucky that the alldays popped up on ebay not too far away :)
  10. yeah it is a bicycle pedal and the crank that goes with it, fits on the spindle exactly, it was on there when i got the forge, haha thanks the shop is a bit of a mess at the moment though, it's mostly full of parts for a rover v8 and a morris minor + a load of welders.
  11. Hey all, Just thought i'd put a few photos of my new anvil and my forge up on here the forge is a little hand cranked farriers forge I'm intending to make a fire pot type one though that that will be made it fit in the space i have there. the anvils are my "new" 1 3 18 alldays & onions, and the other is a very old one that I've had for quite awhile now since i was about 13 i think (along with the forge) and the other photos are of the pair of tongs i have been making, they're forged from one of the leaves from an old leaf spring that i took off my land rover when i replaced the suspension.
  12. yeah i was thinking of bolting plates to it so it could be taken on and off, the marks are strange they're in a triangle and don't seem to match up with places that would be showing when the anvil is on the stand in the right position, in any case don't think it'll be much of a problem really, what do you reckon the best way of lifting it about 4-5" is? planks under the stand?
  13. I wasn't kidding about getting a big log! :/ wouldn't be very hard for me to find one not sure i want to start welding and drilling holes in the stand though, how did they attach the anvil to this kind of stand originally? it just has o hole in the side about 3-4" wide and one in the bottom about the same size, there are three marks in the surface that the anvil sits on as if some thing has broken off maybe. I didn't get the little stake anvil I'm afraid, maybe i should have really.
  14. haha yeah i'm sure it won't be a problem, i was actually thinking about finding a huge log though, for the more traditional look ahaha :)
  15. just got home with the anvil, the base/stand is about an inch thick actually and has a flat top and bottom, no way to fix the anvil to it though :S very nice anvil though it's a forged body not sure it it's steel or iron? any ways to tell? very pleased with it though not much damage at all the just a few marks on the step really where someone has been using a chisel to cut *rolls eyes* shame about that, but they are not very deep so all in all pretty nice :)
  16. btw hay budden are an awesome anvil, I like their shape :)
  17. thanks all I'll do my best not to grin too much, the stand is hollow but very thick by the look of it, the guy says it's a bit lighter that the anvil haha looks like about a 4" thick wall tube to me :)
  18. thanks, I haven't actually seen it in person yet, hope it's as good as it looks... ahh the problems with ebay haha looks really nice though so I figure it can't be too bad :)
  19. I have just secured a nice anvil, I'm off to collect it tomorrow, it's a 1 3 18 (214lb) alldays & onions in very nice condition, good flat face and on it's iron stand too! very pleased about this one here's a photo see what you guys think Rune.
  20. shame but i won't be able to make it down there, family are coming down from london on saturday, ahh well maybe next time :)
  21. yes i know the base isn't really heavy, but it's still a very small very worn old anvil. i was going to keep the small one and maybe sand the face so that it is smooth and flat. but i really want to get a proper sized main anvil :)
  22. I real reason the bigger the better though, why would you need a smaller one ? the face is about the same with on a 2 1/2 ctw as a 3-3 1/2 ctw, I have a very old 1700s? that is probably about 75lb dunno though it's just a little tiny one and in bounces accross the floor as you use it heh
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