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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Bully

  1. Thanks just one more question the leather is a bit hard in places due to drying out and not been used for a long time is there anything you can reccommend to supple it up again or shall I just go with beeswax/linseed oil and turps and let it soak in over time. Cheers Bully

  2. Hello all, I have just come into possession of a set of very large bellows complete with cooling cone and frame work, I already have a set somewhat smaller yet still large which I restored and built a stand for and they are displayed in my lounge room (some may say what a waste) but I get a lot of enjoyment out of looking at them and thinking about where,when and whom used them and they inspire me to think up next projects whilst I listen (pretend) to the missus or just casually watching the TV. Now as much as I have a very large lounge room with cathedral roof etc and could if desired again display these bellows with my other collection of blacksmith equipment (blower/forge etc) I am starting to think about mounting this larger pair in my forge and actually using them. My current blower is a vacumm cleaner on a dimmer and works very well and is very quiet (due to the fact the actual vaccum motor is in another shed) My question to you all out there is how many actually use a set of bellows in their forge and if so are they roof mounted directly above or side or other and besides the obvious saving on electricity bills do they find them a hinderance ie space/effort/productivity etc. This may seem greedy but I like the idea of having access to both forms of airflow and experiencing what older generation blacksmiths had to go through (tipping most in the 18/19th century would of had a youngster operating them)Your thoughts would be appreciated and if I can I will post a photo or 2 of them shortly cheers Bully

  3. Kiss the missus tell her I will see her at dinner time go out the back and into my forge, clean the clinkers out of the previous fire think about what I am going to heat and then adjust my fire pot accordingly (whether it be depth, grate size etc) light the fire put on some music (Charlie Parr or Kierin Kane or Slim Dusty or....whatever takes my fancy) and away I go.

  4. Just had a help the neighbour experience the other day when I caught up with my neighbour up the road who drives a tip truck. He mentioned how he needed a pin for his back flap as the old one had rattled out somewhere on his journeys I enquired as to what he was after and and the following day presented him with a large 1 inch diameter pin with a flattened head and hole so as to insert a split pin. he was mighty impressed and inside so was I, as it was the first item I had actually made that was practical and could help a fellow friend. Great feeling and to think I was payed a bottle of bourbon without asking was even better. Cheers

  5. I use a vaccum cleaner that is located in a shed next to my forge, I dont hear it and to control the airflow I use a stormwater direction flow tap ($12). I did have to dismantle the vaccum and rewire the on off switch so I can turn it on or off from my forge. To date it has been working a treat.

  6. Have had a good laugh reading this post and saw some mighty intresting pictures of Blacksmiths so I thought I would post a pic or 2 of me . The thumbs up reperesents a good day in the forge everything worked well for a change the other represents a not so good day and nothing worked....oh well as the saying goes look good do your job and if you cant do your job look good (or at least try) cheers.



  7. Great to hear you will be pounding soon, my wife loves the fact that I prefer to be in my forge than anywhere else, that way she can call on me anytime to help her with some task or another....although I do think she is cottoning on to the fact that when she ask me to do something my usual reply is "it will have to wait I got iron in the fire....cheers all the best Bully

  8. Waist to knee, that I picked up for the right price "FREE" from a old technical school that was closing down. Not sure what hide it comes from perhaps cow. I find that my jeans stay a lot cleaner with it on. Only drawback is that at times I could do with a slit in it so as to hold iron between my legs a little better but not doing that all the time so shall leave as it.

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