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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Valentin

  1. The guy is one of my 14 shop employes. He is the 4th generation.:) that's why he looks old i am just the second :)as far as i know. Taping the handel on the anvil is done in order for the hammer had to be more stable and enter into the handel a little diiper.Plus it helps with the song that;s why i let him hit my anvil with the hammer head as well betwen hits.It's a pleasure 2 see him working.

  2. hmm... beeing on a blacksmithing forum... If i whoud want 2 sell you a fake that would look like that it whoud be easyer for me to forge it by hand or some kind of hammer but not drop hammer .If i want 2 sell hundreds than i whould invest into a drop hammer and some dies...quite expensive thow for making 1...5...50 replica.Even casting it for me probably whoud be 2 mutch of a trouble.I think you need the original one or a forged/machined one in orderd 2 make the mold and then all the rest of the casting proces.Just my thought

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