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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by awlthumbs

  1. Back to it I hope. Just finished with two knee replacements and a fusing of my L3 to L5 .  Been a great couple of years!

    I'll be checking in  now and then. Joined local ABANA , hope to get to  a meet and greet when this pandemic goes back to where it came from. Started back piddling and built a side blow forge and use hard coal in it. Works fine but have to watch the heat closer, and keep it blowing.  Hope to post some things this winter, we'll see how my new titanium back holds up. 

    1. George N. M.

      George N. M.

      One of the problems with having to drive an older model body is the difficulty in getting replacement parts.  Fortunately, some of the after market parts now available are pretty cool.

      With a gimpy back and legs make sure that you have your anvil, vice, and workbench adjusted to optimum height.  Also, invest in a tall stool to sit on when you are doing bench work or grinding.  Your legs and back will thank you.

      And religiously do everything your physical therapist tells you to do.

      Good luck and we hope to hear from you soon.

      "By hammer and hand all arts do stand." 

  2. I have just started putting my shop together. i made a couple of propane forges, real small ones. I just wanted enough heat to work with some spikes, (that same great old dad-in-lawgave me about 300# of spikes he had collected) and make tongs, etc. I really like the venturi burners I built from various plans on the net. I made a charcoal forge and liked it too, but I haven't found a source for coal yet. I got a 4" leg vise off ebay , but so far have just puttered around when I could. Hope to really get into it this new year.
  3. I have always been a tinkerer. Now I get to retire and I hope to do some serious tinkering. My father-in-law gave me his father's 200# Peter Wright anvil and I have been addicted ever since. I gave him my 1st spike knife and he is real proud of it. I hope this winter to make myself a power hammer. I can only drool to watch the on-line demos. I have been lurking on this site for several weeks and find it top notch. As soon as I get something good to show you will be the first , as I probably got the idea from all the great posters here.
  4. I just love this site. I am fairly new to smithing and am still putting my shop together. I have put a couple of propane forges and a very nice charcoal to make small items out of RR spikes. I will retire form the USPS in a few weeks:p and plan to begin an ernest attempt at getting the art down better. I have gathered enough parts to make a junk yard hammer-( the east coast version on ABANA web site), and if anyone has any advice or questions I would love to hear them.
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