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I Forge Iron

Dave Parker

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Posts posted by Dave Parker

  1. Quick update and my thanks for all the support, wishes, prayers and Glenn's help.  Although not exactly well or even better, they have released dad straight from the ICU and he came home today.  There is no telling how much longer he has but he is where he wants to be.  His Doctor told me that "over the last 15 years that man has amazed me over and over again, I have lost a lot of patients in better shape, that man is strong, very, very strong".  I have to agree.  

  2. spartananator, I joined the Florida Artist Blacksmith Association (FABA) when I was stationed at MacDill AFB.  I would pick up whatever metal I needed from other members.  We would buy in bulk and save a few bucks.  I suggest you contact them, join them and promise that you will be glad you did.  They also have plenty of projects on their webpage that will be of use.  http://blacksmithing.org/ 

  3. I am not sure why as I thought I followed all the rules but my prayer request for my father was erased, without warning.  That is the first time that has happened since I joined in 2009.  My father remains in ICU, he has good days and bad ones and my family and I would like those that will to continue to pray for him and our family.  Thank you in advance. 

    My father David M. Parker Sr, is a fighter, having survived the Korean war, multiple tours in Vietnam, a house fire, getting struck by lightning, car wrecks, multiple illnesses and the dramas associated with daily life. I first put him on a prayer chain on IFI on 21 February, 2011. As of this morning, he is still with us and fighting hard. My father is currently in the hospital suffering from COPD, congestive heart failure, a blood infection and kidney trouble. His quality of life is poor, just standing and sitting drains his strength, he gets tired, aggravated and combative but fights through it. I am asking for everyone to pray for him. I don’t want to push my belief on anyone but I would consider it a personal favor if you would find it in your heart to pray. The family and I put him on prayer chains several times and have seen him miraculously bounce back from death’s door many times. Believers already understand the power of prayer and can use any prayer they choose, or the one provided, others just read the prayer below. It can not hurt and just might help. Thank you. Dear God, I ask you to turn David Parker’s weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May your servant trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of this suffering. Let him be filled with patience and joy in your presence as he waits for your healing touch. Please restore your servant to full health, dear God. Remove all fear and doubt from his heart by the power of God, and may you, God, be glorified through his life. As you heal and renew your servant, God, may he bless and praise you. All of this I pray in the name of God. Amen . 


    Quick update, a day after they called for a rapid response team, he was sitting up eating a fish sandwich from a nearby dinner. It is looking good. Thanks for all the kindness and please continue to pray.



    A soft wear issue took this off line for a couple of days.

  4. I closed in a metal carport and quickly realized my mistake.  It gets hot, very hot, even with 4 windows two large doors and fans.  In my past occupation, I lived in a shipping container and guess what, it also got hot, very hot.  Granted the shipping container had an air conditioner but that did not help with humidity.  If I ever build another smithy it may have a metal roof but wood sides that crank outward and allow for better air flow than I have now.  What I do now, is use the metal building in cold months (and we do not get many in Alabama) and forge outside the rest of the year.  I would suggest you build something closer to a pole barn than a big metal building.  Soon, I will be modifying my set up, planning ahead would have saved me a few bucks.

  5. I find it to both relaxing and rewarding in a few ways.  It is hard not to get a sense of accomplishment when you finally progress past simple projects and make the switch from giving away scrap to making something that causes excitement in a new owner.  Personally, I love iforgeiron because so many of you are way out of my league.  Daily I see and learn new things and get a dose of envy mixed with an equal dose of encouragement.  Although most of us have and never will meet, I consider you all mentors, teachers and friends, thank you all for sharing your knowledge and company. 

  6. Not sure about yours but I repaired one by adding a large nut near the handle.  It slipped right over the screw and when the vice was reassembled it tightened fine.  The added one inch wide nut worked as an over-sized washer and allowed the jaws to grab a different/ not stripped portion of the screw.  Mine was stripped by over tightening.  Since it was a flea market find and did not work, I got it cheep enough and would have been happy to have it for parts.  I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the screw intact.  I should add the nut goes out side of the jaws.  Hope it helps.

  7. I have never had a name for my smithy mainly because it was always just a shed in my backyard.  I recently moved from Florida back home to Alabama and started building a new smithy and my friends and family kept asking what I will call it so I held a contest.  The winner was "Burnt Finger Forge."   The name does stop the age old question of "have you ever burned yourself?'.  Now I need a logo and a sign (project idea). 

  8. Great story in that it shows how even bad things can have silver linings.  I just moved from Florida to Alabama and I am building a new smithy right on a large creek.  The picture of your flooded shop almost caused me to change locations but in the end blacksmithing is about overcoming and making do.  I sincerely hope that your journey towards recovery is swift and brings additional blessings. 

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