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Posts posted by setlab

  1. I'm building a stand for my #6 flypress and am wondering if I'm building it to light duty. Looking at my steel pile, I have a bunch of 4"x4"x1/8" square tube for the leg columns/bracing and some 1/4" plate steel for the top of the stand, I plan on having 3 or 4 legs bolted to the floor.  Will those 4x4 legs probably keep up the the flypresses torqe without distorting? 

  2. I'll see if I can hold my phone and hold my tongs at the same time for a video. The treadle isn't hard to push, it just takes a lot of trial and error to maintain a slow and steady hammer rhythm. Seems like there's this very small window to play with and once you're out of it it's hard to find again. I have no idea how to calculate the blows per minute, I imagine that's a pretty long math equation. What is tup, hammer to anvil ratio? The ram head minus the hammer dies weights 50lbs and it's a 6" solid round anvil. 

    It's probably wishful thinking on my part to slow it down to my skill level of smithing. One of those things I have to do more often I suppose. 

  3. I've been useing it for about a year now and while it's really nice to have it just doesn't have the control and steady rhythm I've seen on other hammers, mostly air hammers come to think of it. My hammer seems to only have one mode, hit hard and very fast. It's kind of difficult to find the right balance between foot control and how fast the hammer hits, it's hard to hit lightly. What can I do to slow this beast down a little? Besides the ram that is adjustable height I built it following the directions pretty closely. So far I've adjusted the tire pressure down some and it's given me a little more control but not too much. Can you put a variable speed control switch on a standard single phase 110v motor? 



  4. So I found this little guy today and brought it home, thought it would look pretty neat with a fresh coat of paint on it. Has anyone ever seen one like this? I did a Google search but so far no luck on any information out there on it. It was made by Louisville electric manufacturering company, no. 26065 type CD 3x5 capacity 90 rpm.


  5. A concern I have is the quality of the welding that will go into it.  Before I built a power hammer, I read and searched for every hammer group build out there and a some of them left me a little wide eyed from the atrocious welds. I'm far from a professional welder myself but from everything I've read on building Forging presses weld quality is a pretty big safety issue. 

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