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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by wolfshieldrx

  1. thanks I'll keep it in mind, Ive only tried to weldonce before, it was just a jest pallets straps and the weld didn't take, so I guess I'll give it a try

    Another thing I have found that helps my welds stick is to have the mating surfaces VERY clean...down to shiny metal whenever possible. Since I have started grinding or filing the surfaces before welding and heating slowly, as mentioned above, most of my welds "stick". I'm still a relative beginner, so it really thrills me when a weld takes. bart

  2. For the mason jars I would make a drive hook that drops down about 4-6" and then comes out straight a bit over the diameter of the jar then comes back up about 4" in "front" and then curves around in a circle. (or depending on stock is split and then curves around on both sides from the front.

    So the mason jar just drops in and is supported on the bottom and by the circle around it's waist.

    work on the sizes and you can probably make it so it will hold a flowerpot when it doesn't have a mason jar.

    Great idea! Might have to try that. It's the free exchange if ideas that I love about this site. thanks...bart
  3. 7810d196.jpg

    Details: 1/4 inch square stock. Forged short "spike" on one end. Then set down shoulder on spike with monkey tool. Drew out and scrolled other end. Spike end bent 180 degrees. Pan forged from copper disk cut from water pipe. Drilled under-size hole through pan and forced it down over spike with monkey tool. Use "votive" size candle. After two hours jar was only slightly warm not hot. Seems to get plenty of air to burn.

    Recently added 10 x 30 porch to my house. My wife asked me to forge three candle holders for the porch. This is what I came up with. Two more to go. May do a leaf for the handle of one May omit the spike from the other two and just rivet the pan on. This is because the votives have a metal base attached to the wick which must be removed in order to use the spike. Hope this clarifies. Sorry to be so long. Bart
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